Best way to setup a midi controller for browse and performance mode

  • I have a mastermind pbc that allows me to configure a page of 10 buttons any way I would like and I was wondering how others have setup their external midi controllers to control both browse mode and performance mode. Will the KPA will react to preset and bank switches from the same cc messages, meaning if I setup 5 buttons as preset switching and 2 as bank switching in browse mode this will change rigs based on the currently selected list in the KPA and then performance mode the same buttons will act as song banking and preset switching? Similar to how their foot controller works.

    Any tips or advice will help, I'm just getting started setting up so would love to learn how others do it to simplify the number of button presses to get around.

  • The chapter "MIDI" in the Reference Manual explains in great detail, how Rigs (Browse Mode) and Slots (Performance Mode) can be loaded.

    A combination of MIDI Bank Select and Program Change could adress all 625 Slots in Performance Mode AND be leveraged to load the up to 128 Rigs with MIDI assignments in Browse Mode.