Fender Deluxe Reverb from Author Danne

  • I like this Profile from Rig EXCHANGE very much , but today , after a long time i realized that there is not CAB in this Profile,
    its from 2012 so it could be no DI Profile.
    Is this a fault in my Kemper or did you , when you use it , have the same that the light is off from Cab
    It sounds very much like with a Cab
    i ask myself how could this be ?
    maybe you have a chance to load the profile and write if its the same for you

  • Same here (no cab). I really like the sound of this one, but even if I turn off the compressor in the amp menu and load a cab, I detect barely audible weird noise while playing. Could be my setup though. The output jacks on my UA-1000 are all shot, but I don't hear the same noise on my all-time favorite clean profile (free AC30 Clean1 by Joptunes in RE with gain turned down a little if needed.)

  • I keep discovering that a lot of time I like the clean profiles better with the cab turned off. Especially for very chimey Fendery cleans. Of course this highly depends on the actual profile... This is why I have made a feature request in the past that would allow mixing in the direct sound in the cab block.