Expression pedal hysteresis amount?

  • Does anyone know if there is any hysteresis involved with external (and midi) expression pedals.

    Curious to know how much movement is required in order to trigger an effect, ie when setting "bypass to stop" for FX such as wahs this obviously engages the wah upon the pedal movement and then off when the pedal hasnt moved for a set time. But how much "movement" is needed in order to engage the effect? Guessing there is a greater resolution using the remote expression pedals over mid CCs that range from 0-127.

  • Yeah, my guess is that it'd be a 1-value change for MIDI CC controllers, and whatever voltage change it takes to produce said deviation of 1 from a conventional pedal.

    I reckon the voltage resolution, or minimum-detectable variation by the Kemper would be more sensitive but is probably dampened / calibrated to correspond to the 1/127th of full-scale threshold for the practical purpose of MIDI control.

    Besides this, some sort of threshold would have had to be decided upon anyway, lest false triggering due to tiny fluctuations (bumps of the pedal and so on) appear at the Kemper's pedal input/s.

    I know nothing about electronics; I'm just trying to look at this logically.