A way to create more favorites categories, i.e. Clean, Crunch, Solo, Bass, Live, and Studio sub favorites

  • Hopefully there is a way to do this but in reading through the manual I haven't found a way. I play a lot of styles and have many instruments that require different profiles. I have saved quite a few favorites but wish there was a way to organize them better by being able to create my own sub favorites folders within a master favorites folder. That way I could choose only partial favorites, like live only or studio only favorites or to be able to separate them for Clean favorites, Crunch favorites, Dirty favorites, Bass favorites etc.

    Sometimes I want to flip through profiles I have set aside I think a client or a friend might like and it would be nice to quickly audition them without having to go through my entire favorite rigs I have which has gotten unwieldy.

    One other favorites request, Please bring back making favorites by holding down the rig button. That used to work with OS 2xx but has stopped working on OS 3XX. Also it would be nice to be able to know if a rig is a favorite or not besides the miniscule little star. Thanks.

  • In the KPA it is not forseen to have more categories.
    But in the Rig Manager you can make structures up to 2 levels.

    So you are free to manage your profiles according your needs.

    I would suggest to work as possible with the RM. It is much easier to manage quickly.

  • Sharry & Monkey Man, thanks for the work around ideas and yes I do use RM to help manage my profiles. But it still would be very helpful to have the ability to better manage my favorites without my desktop computer connected. It is not portable like my Kemper is.

    I understand that this was not foreseen option but that is the beauty of a software OS. I'm not looking for Kemper to add new hardware knobs, just an option to a future OS to make navigating through the favorites in a more detailed and for me, a more desirable way. Another option that could work is to have favorites A,B & C that would not necessarily be tied together, but be seperate favorite banks for different uses.

    Another related request, it would be helpful that when scrolling through rigs, to be able to wrap around the alphabet. For instance, when you reach the Z rigs and keep scrolling to the right you would go back to the A rigs without having to scroll backwards.

  • Sharry & Monkey Man, thanks for the work around ideas and yes I do use RM to help manage my profiles. But it still would be very helpful to have the ability to better manage my favorites without my desktop computer connected.

    I am with you and you got a "like" from me.
    The feature request is senseful when there are a lot of Rigs stored in the Kemper.
    For a Gig I have prepared my performances at home.
    It's very seldom I use the "Browse Mode" for Rigs outside from home. Just at rehearsal to discuss some Rigs with my Band for a certain song.
    Than for me it's easy to find, becouse I do not have many in my KPA.

  • i prefer managing everything with the KPArack itself. i play in 3 bands, so i use quiet a lot of different profiles/sounds and guitars as well, so i tried to break it down to 5 sounds for each band, what normally is clean, crunch, dist, lead I, lead II or anything close to that. that makes one performance. okay, sometimes you have to create another performance which doubles your work, but i guess if you're not the guitarist of the greatest-hits-of-all-time-cover-band, everyone should be okay with 5 (or even 10) sounds, that you can "edit" on the go with your stomp boxes...
    depending on how many guitars i use for each band i duplicate the performances and tweak them just a bit for each guitar. benefit is you can create it on the go, during rehearsals f.e., which leads to the advantage that you can create a performance for your amp, your guitar, even the location you're in. because sometimes one venue needs less bass etc.
    imho that is quiet manageable - nonetheless, there are better solutions (rig manager and notebook) and i totally understand your request on a inside-the-box-solution to ease your situation.
    my newest approach is the following:
    i "created" a super-mobile desktop computer, for i always take my ipad with me which i can now use as a primary monitor (duet display app) with my mac mini on which i installed logic pro x for midi commands and mobile recording and the rig manager as well PLUS the KPA manual if anything goes wrong ;)
    so i can pretty much handle everything, it's even smaller than most laptops, the only thing is that i always need a socket for powering it, but where my KPA is, there is a socket ;)

  • 5 years later I still need this. Most of the time I navigate straight from the toaster controls and am not using rig manager. It would be so useful just to have a few more favorite categories like favorite cleans and a favorite lead tones to filter out all the unnecessary profiles when scrolling.

  • Rename the rigs with a prefix like "100 , 101, 102" and so on for Cleans.

    "200, 201, 202, 203" and so on for Crunch ......

    "300, 301, 302, 303" and so on for Lead ....

    Then search "by name" :thumbup:

    One way to solve the issue ........ Or not ? :/

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.