LAG between RE & RM

  • There is no way to refresh RM currently - a bit of an oversight you would think.

    At present. you have to close and reopen RM and then resort the list by date after it has had time to load the new ones to the top of the list.

  • I think Rob is investigating something different, which has already been discussed. We have noticed that different users' RM show different numbers of rigs, and this seems to be related also to their geographical position?

    One thing I've been noticing since day 1 (no matter which version I used) is that, when RM syncs to the remote dB, the number of items reported in the Rig Manager folder after the sync'ing is incremented by a way lower number than the number of rigs RM reports it is actually downloading.
    For example, some minute ago (RM 1.5.4) the app reported it was d\l "X of 16 rigs", but the final number of files in the Rig Manager folder was just 3 rigs more than before the new sync. I've always found this weird and, honestly, a bit disturbing.

    Just for the record, by 10 pm, March 25Th my RM sees 7397 rigs on the RE.

  • I generally find that if someone posts that they have uploaded rigs, I can locate them straight away using the strategy I mentioned above. Before I used that method, I would look at RE in RM and they would not be there yet. From what I gather some rigs are getting pulled from RE which would explain the changes in rig count.

  • there is a small lag, i can't quantify this precisely, it might be a couple of hours. we intentionally don't have a refresh button but if you quit Rig Manager and open it again, it will check for new arrivals.

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