Question about morphing

  • Hi, I've a the possibility to by an used Gordius midi foot controller in wich I can connect up to 4 external expression pedals. Can I use at the same time 4 pedals for 4 different morphing modes? One for gain, one for delay ecc...? Thank You.

  • I'd like to mix the things. Add a little distorsion, add a little delay , add a lower or higher octave morphing the volume from the natural and octave sound (I don't know if I can...). I usually play alone and I'd like to mix the things floating through diffrent sounds letting the pedals in different positions. I know I can use only one pedal but is not the same thing. I'm thinking like mixing 4 sliders in a mixer....

  • Understand. The Gordius LG2 seems to be a cool midi board.
    Maybe you can do what you want. In the LG2 documentation is written you can configure each pedal indvidually
    e.g. for regular expression (like volume) or with macros or with Channel – Msg type – CC number to send.
    So if you set it up with CC you shoud be able to change e.g. the Amplifier Gain with CC 72.
    Here are some CC No. from the Kemper document Profiler Midi Parameter Documentation (on the kempers home page under Downloads):

    68 x Sets Delay Mix to x
    69 x Sets Delay Feedback to x
    70 x Sets Reverb Mix to x
    71 x Sets Reverb Time to x
    72 x Sets Amplifier Gain to x


    I'd like to mix the things. Add a little distorsion, add a little delay , add a lower or higher octave morphing the volume from the natural and octave sound (I don't know if I can...). I usually play alone and I'd like to mix the things floating through diffrent sounds letting the pedals in different positions. I know I can use only one pedal but is not the same thing. I'm thinking like mixing 4 sliders in a mixer....

  • Thanks PETERFR. This can works with some effects like reverb or delay when I change only one parameter. With gain for example I' ve to compensate the increasing volume or the equalizer so I can't do with only one parameter...So I think I can set one pedal with morphing (ex. Gain) and the others with delay, reverb... :)

  • Thanks PETERFR. This can works with some effects like reverb or delay when I change only one parameter. With gain for example I' ve to compensate the increasing volume or the equalizer so I can't do with only one parameter...So I think I can set one pedal with morphing (ex. Gain) and the others with delay, reverb...

    As far I understand for one Rig (no matter if in performance or in browse mode) you can define only one morphing process but you can include several parameter which will be morphed at same time.