Option to specify which tag gets the big font on the Kemper's display

  • As I understand it, the rig name is what's displayed in the large font in Browse mode by default, and this can't be changed.* Personally, I find many rig names (Schmatz? Walking Moon? Revolution?) less helpful than the actual amp's name. In rig manager, I've updated the Amp Name field in my favorite rigs to change the frequently bogus names (MeBo, Fan, Mars, Goldie, Voice, etc.) to the real amp name and model. Now if I could only set the main display to show Amp Name instead of Rig Name in the large font...

    *Please correct me if this is already possible!

  • Thanks, Sharry. I know I can edit the rig names, and I did do that for a while, but I didn't like losing the author's original name. For example, sometimes at the author's website - and even in the Kemper's docs on the factory rigs - they describe the profiles in more detail and even specify the real names & models of the amps, using the rig name as the reference. If I rename the rigs, I won't be able to refer back to these descriptions.

    All I want to do is switch which tag gets the big font on the Kemper screen.

  • +1
    I would love to be able to do this in Performance Mode where the display changes based on whatever 1-5 preset I'm on in that particular performance.
    I'd love to have a smaller font for the performance name and then a large font for the name of that rig (and would like to be able to edit them individually.
    (i.e.; I use the same high gain tone all the time but then have a variation of it with a solo boost....I'd like to call one 'MAIN' and the other 'SOLO' even though it's technically the same rig copied and pasted but with an effect slot enabled.