delay with two green leds SOLVED!

  • I used a rig to tweak a bit. There's a new delay in it: Legacy delay but I want another. I notice also that there are two green leds above the delay button. So I press the delay button in the X-section for browsing more delay options but there are no other delays visible, just other fx. Never experienced this before. I also notice that that two green leds turned to red! Haven't a clue why. Surely I've missed something in an update with new fx like recently the morphing fx...

  • Hi, it's all written in the release notes.
    No delay has gone. The old delays are united in the new ldly delays. Use the checkbox in the left upper corner of the display . If you uncheck it you can tweak your delay in ms, if the box is checked you can use it like the old tap delay. Your old delay presets in the stomp section are renamed with dly-your old delay name.


    Edit: With 4.0 xx you also can use more than one delay, f.e. you put one delay in slot X and another delay in another delay slot.

  • Check reference manual

    Page 74 - Stomps and Effects

    Delay and Reverb (Green)

    Delay The Profiler provides one flexible delay type, named “Legacy Delay”. We are working on a number of additional delay types. Those will be released in an upcoming software version 5.0. The Legacy Delay can be placed in the Delay Module on the right hand side of the panel as well as other Stomp and Effect Modules. So multiple delay effects could coexist or be switched within the same Rig.......

  • I can't find the release notes and I can't find the delays...!

    The old delays are united in the new ldly delays. Use the checkbox in the left upper corner of the display . If you uncheck it you can tweak your delay in ms, if the box is checked you can use it like the old tap delay. Your old delay presets in the stomp section are renamed with dly-your old delay name.

    When my display shows the rig, in the upper left corner it says: ALL RIGS. There's nothing to uncheck or check. I can't understand what you mean with: Your old delay presets in the stomp section are renamed with dly-your old delay name.

    All I know is that I don't see any delays any more under the delay button. Page 74 reference 4.0 only talks about legacy delay and about the Delay Module. But where is that module hidden?

    (I'm sorry for all this but I have to translate everything and try to understand all terms....) Does anyone know if there's a video of this feature?

  • First you have to long press any of Stomps A, B, C, D or X, MOD, DELAY buttons. Then you have to choose Legacy Delay effect using TYPE knob. Then you may press soft button in the upper left corner of LCD.

  • I did this allready yesterday but in the left upper corner of the display there's only TO TEMPO.
    I wonder if we're talking about the same firmware version. I have PUBLIC BETA from April 6 2016

  • I did this allready yesterday but in the left upper corner of the display there's only TO TEMPO.
    I wonder if we're talking about the same firmware version. I have PUBLIC BETA from April 6 2016

    I am on 4.0.5
    The details are in the document called Addendum 4.0
    This document can be found in download area --->

    [Blocked Image:]

    [Blocked Image:]

    Edited once, last by skoczy ().

  • I did this allready yesterday but in the left upper corner of the display there's only TO TEMPO.
    I wonder if we're talking about the same firmware version. I have PUBLIC BETA from April 6 2016

    The delay presets were missing in 4.0.1 Please update to the newest (and most stable) beta, or go back to 3.3.0

  • So that's the problem (which I anticipated). Surely I can update to Profiler Operating System 4.0.5 Public Beta but it says: This is a Public Beta software and shouldn't be used for critical applications!
    Is it still OK to do so?

  • As i understand you are on a beta at the moment, so its important to be on the latest beta because of the bugfixes. There is nothing against to update from your current 4.0.1 to 4.0.5 if you like to stay on the beta version. After updating you will see your old delays and you can choose them as discribed. They only added a DLY in front of your old name.
    Make a backup in front of doing the update.

  • So that's the problem (which I anticipated). Surely I can update to Profiler Operating System 4.0.5 Public Beta but it says: This is a Public Beta software and shouldn't be used for critical applications!
    Is it still OK to do so?

    That is the case with all beta firmwares, your current 4.0.1 included.