What did you get for Black Friday '16?

  • I've got 3 G&L's (two tributes and a USA model). All are great guitars.

    It's a real shame you've had an issue like this. I can't remember the exact history but I believe the original build location for the Tributes was Korea then it moved to Indonesia. My S-500 (kind of a Strat with weird pickups and unusual tone controls) I bought mail order and new and the standard of fit / finish was fantastic. It says 'made in Indonesia'. My Tribute Asat Special was a 2nd hand one from Ebay and still plays well despite it having had a harder life prior to getting to me.

    I'm not sure if they've moved production to China now?? Which shouldn't be an issue - there are some very good guitars coming from there now but also some pretty bad ones depending on the manufacturer. I bought an Eastwood a few years back mail-order and the fit / finish on it were sadly completely shocking.

    I hope you get it sorted. As far as I know, ASAT was an acronym used by Leo Fender when he set up G&L and stands for 'Another Strat, Another Tele'. The legacy models have traditional (ish) pickups in them. The non-legacy models have the MFD pickups which are rather more 'hi fi'. If you're wanting the guitar to sound like a traditional tele then the legacy is more likely to do so :)

  • Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band: vimeo.com/10419626[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...