Unresponsiveness/latency when turning the knobs.

  • Hello fellow Kemper users.
    Do you experience the same unresponsiveness/latency when turning the knobs on your Kemper as I do?
    When I turn a knob, gaps in the changing of the corresponding value appears, usually followed by a large jumps in the displayed value.
    There is an example in this video clip:

    Here is a description of what is going on in the video clip:
    00:00:00 The volume knob is being turned at a steady rotation speed. After a full second the volume value jumps from 0.0 to 0.5.
    00:00:03 The volume value suddenly jumps from 1.3 to 2.9. The volume knob is still being turned at a steady rotation speed.
    00:00:03 The volume value gets stuck at 3.5. The volume knob is still being turned at a steady rotation speed.
    00:00:04 After the volume value has been stuck at 3.5 for one and a half second, it jumps to 9.0. The volume knob is still being turned at a steady rotation speed.

  • The thing is.
    I've talked to support. They asked me to sent back my Kemper for repair. When I got it back, the issue was still there, so it was sent back again.
    Yesterday I received a new replacement unit, but the issue is still there.
    This is why I'm trying to figure out if it is a general problem or if I have been exceptionally unfortunate.

  • sambrox is right, this is a know issue we are aware about.

    it is a cosmetic issue because what you hear is not affected by it. nevertheless we have plans to address it in a future update.
    Woody1024: thanks for your forum post and for bringing this to our attention, i believe some miscommunication happened on our side and i'd like to apologies for the inconvenience caused. feel free to open another support ticket in case you require further clarification. your Profiler is okay, there is nothing wrong with the hardware.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here