Newbie ! Anyone Recommend Any Good Wireless Headphones ?

  • Hi All,

    Just received my KPA this week, and starring the steep learning curve.

    You know, I never even thought about playing through headphones before, but Im loving this feature (and so is the wife and neighbours !!)

    Anyone using and recommend any good wireless headphones ?

    Thanks in advance :)

  • The problem with wireless headphones is the delay between playing and hearing.
    You play with your hands and you "feel" the tone but you will hear it some ms delayed.
    Not good.

  • The problem with wireless headphones is the delay between playing and hearing.
    You play with your hands and you "feel" the tone but you will hear it some ms delayed.
    Not good.

    This. You'll feel somehow disconnected and will blame it to 'digital'. Stay wired.

  • Consumer-grade wireless equipment (bluetooth/wifi etc) generally introduce way too much delay to be usable for live monitoring. Stay wired, or use an in-ear-monitoring (IEM) system. With IEM you use earplugs, or you can use a pair of regular cans. The optimal wireless solution for a musician or singer is an IEM-system combined with a pair of custom moulded earplugs, but this is a considerable investment. Most IEM systems use UHF-frequencies which in many places are licensed. You'll have to find equipment that is legal in your country/area and in some places also have to obtain a license to operate such equipment.

  • YEs, appreciate the advise folks and I guess wired is the way forward...

    I've got some decent headphones and I've loved using them (much to my shock) so far...

    Do you change your amps settings for headphone vs real cab use ?

  • Once you've setup your rigs properly and have gained a bit of experience how headphone sound translates to cab sound, you shouldn't have to change any amp settings but just have Monitor Out EQ presets to switch.

    Agree. Its a thing of a trained ear. I recommend to tweak some rigs at real loud level with your real cab up to the point where you are happy with them. Than bring them down to bedroom level an train your ears with them. For the first hours they seem to sound horrible but when your ears are trained with it, tweaking with headphones become easier. If dont like the results tweak some rigs only for using with headphones. I think you put much more bass and treble in those and you didnt need this bass and treble for live playing at a loud level.