New user questions about importing more effects.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for letting me join the forum. For many years I've been experimenting with equipment to find the best sound for me.

    I am a jazz guitarist and am just looking for a beautiful clean sound with some chorus, delay and reverb. I've been through loads of amps, fender mess boogies, acoustic amps, loads of pedals ect and an axe fx.

    I've had some great sounds of the axe fx but felt I want using it to its full capacity so let it go.

    Any way I git the kemper last week and have all the amps I need now and most of the effects. I'm completely new to the kemper but have managed to get rig manager and download the latest version plus update the kemper.

    My only question is I now have about six or seven reverbs and delays. They give me the sound I want for now but I would like to add more. I've been through YouTube and listened to some of the clean sounds on there and they are amazing.

    I've also been on this site and would like to download the examples but I'm not sure weather to download profile or performance

    I tried the other day by downloading profile on to the usb and then tried to import it onto rig manager but the import rig menu was greyed out.

    There are some more delays and reverbs on rig manager that come up on the kemper when selected but I only get the option to save as snapshot.

    I'm still a bit confused about rigs, profiles and performance. I think rigs tend to refer to just amps and profiles the amps and effects, but not sure.

    Any way I think for now if I could find out how to download the tone junkie effects examples on his site that would do for now. Just need to know weather to download profile or performance and then what. Oh and importing the delays and reverbs from rig manager to the kemper.

    Many thanks for your time and if you can help that would be greatly appreciated, cheers and all the best, Jonathan :)

    Ps tried to upload a pic of my guitar and set up but it says file to big :)

  • Hi Jonathan,


    In Kemper terminology a profile is the amp/stack only, a rig is amp/stack plus FX.

    What you need to do first is to work with RigManager.

    At the moment Rig Manager, the software that helps managing your rigs, doesn’t allow for importing FX presets YET.

    Therefore on the tonejunkie site you find perfomances.

    These you can download to your PC, drag into RigManager, from there into your Profiler and there you can revisit the FX.

    (An editor where you can do all this from your PC will come later this summer).

    Hope that helps!

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the comment it's much appreciated. I managed to download the performance from that website and drag it onto rig manager, then switch the kemper to performance and the setting showed up. I wasn't able to edit it though and when I held down the delay and reverb buttons the kemper just showed the ones I already have.

    Maybe there arnt any more delays and reverbs for now?

    Anyway I'm still happy with the sounds I have and maybe I'll wait for the next update which hopefully will let me get some new effects.

    Thanks and all the best :)

  • My only question is I now have about six or seven reverbs and delays. They give me the sound I want for now but I would like to add more.

    I think you are confusing effect TYPES with effect presets.

    The PROFILER has a fixed number of reverb and delay (for example) types or algorithms and each of these types is represented by several presets that use them.

    on your PROFILER:

    press and hold REVERB

    now turn BROWSE (!)

    now you are stepping through the numerous presets that were made to showcase the possibilities of the effects.


  • Hi, many thanks for your reply it's much appreciated.

    Yes I've done that for the delay, chorus and reverb buttons and this is what I have :


    Easy reverb, echo reverb, cirrus reverb, formant reverb, ionosphere reverb, space, legacy, loop mono, loop stereo, loop distortion


    Pedal vinyl, chromatic pitch, harmonic pitch, analogue octaver, single delay dual delay, two tap delay, serial two tap delay, rhythm delay, quad delay, legacy delay, crystal delay

    That actually seems like quite a bit but I wondered if there were more. The YouTube Videos I've seen seem to have better sounding delays and reverbs but perhaps I've not spent enough time with it. I've yet to go through all the rigs in browse mode.

    I also find the delay isn't that clear when used with the reverb, it sounds a bit muffled but could be my settings.

    Anyway I'm really happy so far but just wanted to know if there were any more delays and reverbs out there.

    I've got a lot to learn I think :)

  • Those are the different reverb and delay algorithms/types, baselines that have been tweaked by, for example, Tone Junkie and released as presets for users to import. If tweaking isn’t your thing, I’d advise starting with the official Kemper delay and reverb presets in Rig Manager. If there’s something in there that you like, you can long push physically whichever slot the effect is loaded in on your Profiler, then push Store and select to save the module as a preset.

    The Delay/Reverb Mix parameter can balance the delay repeats to the reverb tails to fine tune any veiling.

    Edit : check out the official Kemper tutorials on YouTube. These will give you a great knowledge platform and get you acquainted with how the KPA works and its logic. There are also some great demonstrations of the delays and reverbs produced by Kemper, too, featuring a great guitar player whose name I forget.