Multiple Mics for Profiling. Interface Summed Signal out = Line Level. OK for Return input?

  • hi guys,

    first time i am doing a multiple mic setup to create a profil.

    I mix the signal with my Fireface800 and send the summed

    signal to a Mono bus and out to the Kempers Return input.

    The Signal coming from my interface is Line Level.

    Would you recomend an Re-amp Box (or DI box in reverse which works)

    to make the Summed Mic Line Level signal a normal Microphone

    impedance so the kemper thinks i am plugin the microphone straight

    into the kemper?

    i know i can adjust the return Line level to make it not clip but

    to be 1000% accurate it is not the same impedance.

    on the other hand... a microhpone is not that Hi-z than

    an Guitar or sth. so i guess the restult is perfectly fine

    without a impedance correction between Interfae Line-out

    and Kemper Return in.

    thanks guys.

  • i did several Profiles and the kemper amp set the return level by itself

    to keep the signal from overdrving i guess.

    But actually its kinda wrong impedance wise

    to feed a Line signal from a interface into the microphone

    return input of the kemper.

    maybe the kemper Staff can bring clear things up ?

    This should be common knowledge ... because

    most people are tracking several mics i guess.

    why is nobody worried about that :D