Drive pedal profiles

  • Kemper can profile amps. Why can’t you straight up profile pedals? Kemper to pedal, pedal to kemper, and stored in the drives section on the unit. Then you would have your favorite drives in the kemper. Yes the drives at that point probably wouldn’t feel the same as if they were going into the real amp. Just something for y’all to think about.

  • Doesn't work like that. You would need a Pedal Cloner not an Amp Profiler. You never know, they might make one. ;)

    But... Welcome to the forums.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Thanks man. It just got me thinking, ‘why can’t you use the profiling technology to profile pedals?’ While I would love to see an update that adds the ability to utilize the Kemper profiling technology for profiling pedals, I can see it’s potential drawbacks. I was watching ToneJunkie’s Kemper Show ep 2 and the part where MBritt said the problem with the kemper+pedals scenario was really the pedals got me asking that question.

  • You can profile pedals. However, the profile would be run in the Amp Block of the Stack section not in an Stomp or FX slot. Therefore, you could only run either a pedal or and amp at the any given point. You couldn’t run a Pedal Profile and Amp profile simultaneously as the KPA hardware can’t do dual profiles.

    The other option is to profile a signal chain with the Drive Pedal in front of the Amp and capture the full chain as a single profile.