Weird high end rattle on some profiles????

  • I just downloaded juanamans new engl se profiles and I hear something strange in all of them. Now, I have not cranked these profiles up yet, but at low low volumes, I hear this high end metallic rattle in the high end. Almost sounds like if you have ever accidentally turned on your tube amp on high gain an cranked it up loud without a cabinet connected ( I know, bad bad). This is through my VHT ultralead and 4x12 cabinet. Dialing back some presence seems to help the problem, but only masks it, sounds very unnatural, anyone ever experienced this? This only happens with very few profiles, and none I can think of off the top of my head actually. Maybe it goes away at more than low volumes? Should I delete and redownload? Help!

  • Update, it is not audible when using headphones, and the biggest thing is, it completely goes away when I use a different cab than what the profile came loaded with. Also, for fun, check out Juana's 9th engl se profile, and load the black album ozone EQ matching as the cab, CRUSHING!!!!

  • Hi!

    Sorry to hear that you have problems with the profiles. I've just checked them all and with headphones all is normal. When using monitor out to a small combo (the only one I can use at home) everything goes fine, but when I hit "Disable cabinet", the it comes the digital electric fizz but I don't know if it's the same you're listening to, because that way it sounds totally awfull

  • Odd, do you have "Monitor Cab Off" checked under the second page of the Master (output) settings? I'm pretty sure that's not stored per rig though so it shouldn't affect things. Are you going through an audio interface? There's a slight possibility of an impedence mismatch there or that the interfaces internal gain is just a tiny bit too high so that it starts to clip if a profile is just a tiny bit louder than the others (it should be going in to an instrument/hi-z input).

  • If your Output LED turns red, the "digital fizz" is clipping and can be fixed by turning down the master volume or - for individual overloud profiles - the volume knob.

    Thanks for the heads up. I don't have this particular profile, but have experienced it with a few others. I thought it was my monitors at first, but playing prerecorded tracks through them were fine.

    The problem for me is I'm colorblind where red/green is concerned. I don't know when I'm clipping because the red LED looks pretty much the same as the green to me. (Cue sad violin music...)

    Maybe at some future date Chris Kemper can have an option of changing the default LED colors. In the meantime, I'll tweak the Master and profile volumes and see if that fixes it. In another thread along these lines, Guitarnet70 suggests checking the volume setting in some effects and the cabs, too.

    Would the Clean Sense/Distortion Sense have anything to do with this as well?

    7% of Fully Grown Male Individuals are colorblind, by the way.

  • CK may get pissed at me for saying this again but it sounds like you have flash memory corruption. My fix was to perform a flash format followed by restoring from backup. There are instructions in the problem forum. This did fix my high end odd-sounding issues as well as others.

  • Hello. My KPA problem is fizz, but only trough the headphones. Appears on every rig with distorted sounds. The fizz i audible on "all" frequencies, and it increases when gain is turned up. I usually play trough a guitar poweramp/cab with excellent result,never tried with a FRFR. I have not found any global setting for just the headphone, is there one or is there an other way of getting the superb KPA headphone sound described on the forum? I'm looking for a global fix, not interested in changing every rig just so that I can listen occasionally via the headphones. Best regards/Hans J Umeå, Sweden

  • Try connecting the headphones (BTW: which model?) to your computer or stereo system and check if, at similar volume, the fizz is still there...from your description it could be that the drivers are busted...

    Headphones out get the same signal as main outs, so you can adjust eq from there

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Thanks for the reply. Headphone is working/sounding nice connected to other gear. Sorry to say, I can't adjust headphone sound with my main out eq. Tried to turn all the knobs, none of the respond. Tried to check in the boxes "Main out link, Monitor out link, Headphone link and monitor cab off" None of then makes any difference to the headphone tone(knobs are working fine in other settings). Now I'm starting to get worried. I have already made one reboot, since then I've made hundreds of adjustments and I am quit happy with the monitor out sound that I'm using. Don't know if I've got the strength to do it all over again :S I'm running the headphone output at -20db, main vol. -18, monitor vol. at -25. /Hans J

  • Thanks for the reply. Headphone is working/sounding nice connected to other gear. Sorry to say, I can't adjust headphone sound with my main out eq. Tried to turn all the knobs, none of the respond. Tried to check in the boxes "Main out link, Monitor out link, Headphone link and monitor cab off" None of then makes any difference to the headphone tone(knobs are working fine in other settings). Now I'm starting to get worried. I have already made one reboot, since then I've made hundreds of adjustments and I am quit happy with the monitor out sound that I'm using. Don't know if I've got the strength to do it all over again :S I'm running the headphone output at -20db, main vol. -18, monitor vol. at -25. /Hans J

    I had the same issue with the headphone out. It was just unusable for me. My solution when I use headphones is I listen to them through a mini mixer connected to the monitor out. Sounds perfect this way.

  • I just downloaded juanamans new engl se profiles and I hear something strange in all of them. Now, I have not cranked these profiles up yet, but at low low volumes, I hear this high end metallic rattle in the high end. Almost sounds like if you have ever accidentally turned on your tube amp on high gain an cranked it up loud without a cabinet connected ( I know, bad bad). This is through my VHT ultralead and 4x12 cabinet. Dialing back some presence seems to help the problem, but only masks it, sounds very unnatural, anyone ever experienced this? This only happens with very few profiles, and none I can think of off the top of my head actually. Maybe it goes away at more than low volumes? Should I delete and redownload? Help!

    Could it be that you have found some profiles that simply have too much high frequencies for your taste?
    Just use other profiles or cabs! No technical problem, just different taste.

  • CK may get pissed at me for saying this again but it sounds like you have flash memory corruption. My fix was to perform a flash format followed by restoring from backup. There are instructions in the problem forum. This did fix my high end odd-sounding issues as well as others.

    Of course I am!
    You are giving that same advice to a dozend people with all different issues without the attempt for a deeper analysis.
    Wasn't your problem Spdif related?

    For centuries physicians recommended bloodletting to cure all kinds of diseases. It was eventually found out that no single desease can be cured by that.

  • Of course I am!
    You are giving that same advice to a dozend people with all different issues without the attempt for a deeper analysis.
    Wasn't your problem Spdif related?

    For centuries physicians recommended bloodletting to cure all kinds of diseases. It was eventually found out that no single desease can be cured by that.

    While not cured but certainly treated.
    Haemochromatosis comes to mind. :D

    On topic I'm all for a deeper analysis of the specific problems.

  • I have downloaded original KPA rigs, upgrades and a few single downloaded rigs from your website. I must say that this problem really affects every single one of the rigs that have a bit of gain, that is listening through the headphones. I have reduced treble -0,7 presence -0,5 and bass -0,3 on the Monitor output EQ. I'm pleased with my sound playing with a Laney Chromo-o-zone combo power amp and 2x10 H&H speakers. I got a suggestion to adjust my headphone sound by adjusting the Main output EQ, however this does not affect headphone output, should it?
    By the way, I'm very impressed with your support, lightning fast :) /Hans J

  • I got a suggestion to adjust my headphone sound by adjusting the Main output EQ, however this does not affect headphone output, should it?
    By the way, I'm very impressed with your support, lightning fast :) /Hans J

    Pressing the Master button opens the Master menu.
    Here you can link the Headphone output to the Mains output Pot or change the volume separately.

  • I have downloaded original KPA rigs, upgrades and a few single downloaded rigs from your website. I must say that this problem really affects every single one of the rigs that have a bit of gain, that is listening through the headphones. I have reduced treble -0,7 presence -0,5 and bass -0,3 on the Monitor output EQ. I'm pleased with my sound playing with a Laney Chromo-o-zone combo power amp and 2x10 H&H speakers. I got a suggestion to adjust my headphone sound by adjusting the Main output EQ, however this does not affect headphone output, should it?
    By the way, I'm very impressed with your support, lightning fast :) /Hans J

    Be aware that listening thru headphones is a different perception than listening to speakers in a room with natural reflections. That refers to any music, but especially to a git amp, that often comes in mono.