Compressor / sustainer

  • Hey thanks for the tip.

    Tried it in the loop and placed it after the gate, way too noisey, hum static and just noise.

    No compressor for me at the moment.


    Cheers and best of luck sir!

    Your best chance was if you ran battery power only on the external pedal to reduce ground loop and emi noise from the pedals power supply. Could maybe try using the Kemper ground lift options but it may be worse. It also depends on your Kemper model. A STAGE model would be nice and close but running long cables all over to a toaster for instance would be much more susceptible to noise.

  • Everyone wants more sustain so totally get why you want it, more sustain is nearly always more speed :). Sustain is impacted by a number of things in the chain, from the input through to the speakers ( feedback type endless sustain).

    Totally appreciate you are looking to replicate but as a few on here have suggested, you have other options.

    In most cases, external pedals add what an amp can't give you. So overdrive pedals, boost pedals, compressors etc. are in many ( but not all) there to make up for things missing from your amp.

    With the KPA you have the choice of so many amps, so keep experimenting. I don't use any pedals or compression. I use the "natural" compression from the amp profile and is part of my auditioning of a sound.

    Not sure that helps!