Not Good Sound Using Kemper Profiling Amp Live

  • Hi Christoph,
    Your advice and explanations on how to get the best live sound and the changes you have made to the KPA to achieve this was very helpfull so thanks for that. :thumbup:
    Regarding the sounds I was able to get live it totally replicates the actaul sound of my tube amp standing in front of it so as I said it does exactly what it says on the tin and is pretty amazing at that and at the price point is an absolute bargain. It was just that for me at the moment I am looking for a different sound other than that of my raw in the room tube amp sound.
    I hope this makes sense and the fact that its not right for me is in no way a reflection on what the KPA can do as it is an amazing piece of equipment and is obviously just right for so many people as the posts on this forum shows.
    Best Regards :thumbup:

  • "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave".

    You'll be back. :D

  • Hi Christoph,

    The sort of live guitar tone I am after is more of a processed type sound which sounds more like a recorded guitar after it has had studio type processing done on it. The KPA to me sounds like the raw amp tone which you would get standing next to it which you would then mike up and process in the studio. I know you can do this by recording the KPA direct or micing it in the studio and processing it but I am looking for this type of tone when playing live.

    I have been using a POD Pro for live playing over the last 12 years and as such I have got used to this more processed sound. I know a lot of people will say that they don’t like this type of tone and that the POD Pro is inferior in comparison to the KPA and they are entitled to that view and indeed it is in lots of areas like the accuracy of the amp tones & the Fx. But for me this is the sound I am after and it works for me with the music I play. Indeed one person’s sonic nirvana is another persons god awful sound!

    Having used the KPA and getting the exact same raw amp in the room sound you get when playing a live tube amp I have realised that I don’t actually want that tone. I hadn’t realised this until I tried the KPA so although the KPA does give an exact replica of the raw amp tone it is not the sound I am looking for at the moment.

    I have put my latest updated posts on this forum as I do not want people thinking the KPA does not produce very good live sounds, as it does, its just that the sounds it produces in a live playing environment are not right for me at this time.

    Now, if there was a way of getting a studio type of processed sound with the KPA in a live playing environment then I would be very interested. A way to achieve this would be to allow it to make a profile of a recorded guitar sound say from a CD. From what I know of the KPA this is not currently possible. If it is could you advise me how to do it?

    I understand that something similar is possible with another high end guitar modeller which allows tone matching.

    Another approach would be to have some of built in process within the KPA to achive the same sound. It would be great if perhaps there could be a switch that would give you the current raw amp in the room sound and then switch over to a more processed studio type of sound. That would be just what I am looking for. Perhaps something for the future ?

    Any way I hope this has helped to clarify why the KPA at the moment is not right for me.


  • Hi Guitartone,
    Yeah I would be back like a shot if it could give me the tone I described in my last post to Christoph so who knows.
    Hasta la vista baby :thumbup:

  • This is described thoroughly here:…page=Thread&threadID=5356
    Many "CD tones" have already been matched on Research. :thumbup:

  • Hi Blackbird,
    Just tried your link and it doesn't work. :|
    Re the Just had a look there and there are a very limited number of Metal type sounds none of which would cover the types of tones I am looking for but thanks I will keep an eye on them to see if any usueable sounds for me turn up although it will have to be pretty quick as am returning my KPA in a few days for a refund :thumbup:

  • This is the best compliment addressed to KPA I ever heard of !
    If I am CK , I will put this testimonial on KPA main site !!! :thumbup: :thumbup:

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

  • Let me quote the immortal Bob Clearmountain (from his blog:(


    "Here's a new one: NO PODS IN THE RECORDING STUDIO!!!! Normally, I don't like to comment on how to record stuff, the general rule being "there are no rules". In this case, I'm making an exception as I've recently had to try to deal with guitar tracks recorded through The Pod (from Line 6). These are the most unmixable sounds I've ever encountered. I'd say they're probably fine for demos, but quite often demo tracks appear on final master recordings, then end up on my mixing table! Don't get me wrong, Line 6 makes some great products - I use Amp Farm all the time. I think the Pod is really for blasting your Strat, Les Paul or whatever through headphones so your mom/girlfriend/wife/bus driver doesn't get annoyed. PLEASE beg, borrow or steal a goddamn guitar amp!!

    ...and whatever you do, DON'T fall asleep next to one!

    So in essence, it's fine if you like the sound of a POD. But don't you ever approach Bob Clearmountain for mixing your tracks. You might not come out alive, he throws a SSL 4K at you just like the 16 ton weight which kills people in Monty Python sketches ;)

  • an old joke from my country :

    restaurant guest (an old English Gentleman) ordered dozen of oranges and cup of sugar on the side .
    once the order was delivered , he cleaned the oranges and put some sugar on top of each orange .
    after that, he just start to throw one by one orange with sugar on top in the recycle bin .
    the waiter , obviously confused and while scratching his head , said in a half voice :

    "Sorry Sir , would you mind if I ask you why are you throwing a way oranges with sugar on top, you just have ordered ? "

    " Because I don't like , and thus don't eat the oranges with sugar on top , my boy " , was the English gentleman's answer 8)

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

    Edited 3 times, last by Rescator ().

  • Quick update: Today I returned my KPA for a refund as I just can't get a decent sound out of it for live playing. Check out Thomann Cyberstore if you want a B Stock bargain as there are always plenty of returned B Stock KPA’s there for sale.

    I knew if I mentioned another piece of kit I would get flamed. Well here’s your chance to do your worst. I have gone back to using my trusty 12 year old POD Pro while I wait for my Fractal Ax Fx II to arrive Ha Ha! :thumbup: Sorry couldn’t resist. Don't forget to pick your chin up at the same time of course. :thumbup:

    Thanks for all your help in trying to achieve the tone I am looking for and who knows I might be back in the future.


  • :D i'd be interested in your findings... supposedly the axe II should be more on the kemper side - compared to the pod...

  • Be aware that you could not go on stage with a real tube amp any more.
    You have gotten used to synthetic or synthesized guitar sounds. I would not call it "processed".
    You say that the sound of the KPA was raw or "amp in the room" (still you were talking about the closed mic sound).
    This is the real sound of the amp (or what comes absolutely close).

    There have been a number of users having problems with that "real" sound.
    This is like kids, that don't really like the taste of a real orange, after they had too many orange candies (that is my orange story :)

    I have no plans to let the sound of the KPA degrade into the synthetic direction.
    There is too much competition in that domain :P