Low monitor output when plugged DI

  • Hello, new to the kemper. I’m having an issue with the monitor out. When I go DI on the main output, it makes my monitor output very quiet. Going DI to FOH on my main out and then monitor out to my powered kemper cab.
    Side note, I do have my monitor out cranked on the output menu.

  • By default the monitor output volume is linked to the master volume knob. If you use the master volume knob to adjust the output level of the main outputs it will also affect the level of the monitor output. You can unlink the monitor output from the Master volume knob to prevent this.

  • Thank you all for the help. Love the community support Kemper has. I do believe that they are currently linked, and I do have my main output -12db setting turned on when going DI. I think the issue is that they are linked. Thank you all!