On disabling the Cabinet

  • So, I have a question. What are the opinions on disabling the cabinet feature from the output section? I have been using my Kemper for a few years and just realized that my profiles sound much brighter with the Cabinet turned off. I am playing through a single 12 Celestion Greenback mounted in an Egnater cabinet. I use it mostly at home but if I attempt to use it in a band setting the 12 just doesn't sound great at higher volumes and so I use a 2 x 12 at a gig. I am just looking for some opinions on what you have found in your experiences. Mind you this is not a KONE.

  • if you use a guitar cabinet for monitoring you need to checkmark the "Monitor cab off" option in the output menu to disable the cab simulation for the monitor and speaker output of the Profiler. The cab needs to be connected to the speaker output or to a power amp that is connected to the monitor output.

  • Do you feel the sound better or not ?

    It should be the case when you disable the cab sim cause you have a speaker sim go into an actual speaker....

    Just tick "Monitor Cab off" as adviced there's no link with Kones speakers, don't checkmark Kemper Kone....And use monitor or speaker output....

  • Thanks guys. I feel a bit dumb here. I have been gigging out for 4 years and never knew about that. I used a 2 x 12 and tended to alter my profiles to sound best through that cabinet. Thanks, we never stop learning, but dang I was late to this one.

  • Thanks guys. I feel a bit dumb here. I have been gigging out for 4 years and never knew about that. I used a 2 x 12 and tended to alter my profiles to sound best through that cabinet. Thanks, we never stop learning, but dang I was late to this one.

    When I get a new product. I try to hit ALL the buttons and twist All the knobs to see what they do. I feel like kicking myself when I find out something was there all along. :cursing: