Dual sound

  • I'd like to have dual sound. To be able to combine two rigs. I do that all the time with real amps and it sounds amazing. I think it would sound even better using the KPA.

  • I completely agree on that, few people in my opinion knows how much GREAT can be this capability. The sound of two real amp mixed, or better, panned left and right gives to the sound incredible results.

    I really invite anyone to try this configuration in the real world and immagine how can be with the kpa...
    Unfortunately I understand that for such feature we have to wait a long long time.
    It's a pity...

  • It's been done already, Till's did it.
    Mike two amps at the same time, make a Profile.

    not quite the same, unfortunately. interesting for sure, but rather sounds like one amp being a mixture of the 2 profiled amps.

  • I'll double track when recording often panning hard left/right, but live I don't ever play in stereo (and the house systems at the places I've played have always been mono). Would be nice though to layer a clean and dirty tone together. But I'd much prefer pitch shifting and some other effects than this given the choice.