New possible (?) Owner from Vienna

  • Hello,

    i just purchased the rack version of the kemper without amplifier. I basically ordered it blindly since you guys are so into it and i wanted to see what the fuzz was all about. Due to the 30 day money back i found it is the best to order it and try it out in your home environment without the stress of being in a music store. I bought it basically because i can't run a real amp in my flat and for recording purposes.
    I play for about 20 years and I listen to the kemper via Event TR8 or Beyerdynamic headphones.

    I played it for 2 days now - tried all rigs that came with it and downloaded around 100 of the best rated ricks in the rick Exchange section.

    And, maybe I am missing something but i am not quite convinced to keep it. It does sound good but I wasn't quite able to find a rig i fell in love with. I just miss the wow-effect. Maybe I am missing something really obvious or haven't yet loaded the right rig?

    What I like so far is how easy it is to tweak all sounds and how intuitive it is to do so. But still, it is a lot of money and I don't know if it's worth every penny for me.

    What I am looking for is a real nice clean tone and a distorted one that suits the sound of Guthrie Govans Erotic Cake record. I am into the sound he has on tracks as 'Wonderful slippery thing' or 'Waves'. I know it is in his fingers - but thats not what i mean.

    for instance i downloaded the Andertons Cornford and it sounds kind of odd to me.

    I hope you guys can support me and point out rigs that i might like to convince me keeping this surely wonderful piece of gear.
    Right now I am just about trying out even more and see without any prejudice if the kemper is able to do what I am searching for.

    I do hope you guys are willing and able to help me :D

    Thanks so much in advance.

  • Hey, welcome to the forum...

    Download the Morgan AC20 profile, this is my favorite for both clean/dirty.

    Although I enjoy the KPA through studio monitors (not so much headphones), I really love it the best through a power amp/guitar cab or my PA speaker. I find through power amp/cab and some volume, it really has that 'amp in the room' feel. I run the KPA Monitor into Effects Return or Power Amp In on one of my tube amps.

    Any way you can try through a guitar cab?

  • thank you for your reply!

    I am not able to run it through a real cab - i don't have one here.
    I just downloaded the morgan AC20 and I will look into it later this day. I will keep you informed on the improvements I discovered ;)

  • I suggest you play a little bit around with the Clean sense in the input menu, finding the right settingfor your guitar/pickup is one of the key to the "Wow" effect you're looking for.

    Edit: don't underestimate the fact that those recorded sounds are fully produced, if you would hear at the isolated tracks you would probably not like it...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I didn't like mine for the first couple of days...I thought every profile sounded the same, and I couldn't get the right tone and my guitar squeeked. But then I found the profile that sang to me, and my guitars purred. I got my favs from the Amp factory or Paul (okstrat here). Tried loads...but settled on Paul's Racktifier. Also, try different cabs as well, makes a huge difference.
    I think the main thing to think about is that we all like different things, clean, crunchy, scream, toffee smooth, but really, in my case anyway, I only really have two sounds, acoustic clean (which is easy), or weapons grade heavy (not so easy). I can get the latter from any rectifier with the right mix of subtle echo and chorus. It's worth pointing out I had the same problem choosing a real amp in the late 70's, AC 30's, Marshall's...oh, and a guitar can make a heap of difference too...try loads of'll find the one eventually...
    Good luck

  • Today i eat my own words... I love the kemper. I actually don't know what was wrong with me or the setting I used but now it just rocks.

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words - the main issue I had was lack of volume. I just turned it a tad bit louder and boom - there you go - pure fun.

    Yes there are still some rigs i do not like but it's only a few and a matter of personal taste. They all do great. The only thing I stumbled upon is, if you play with very little attack (eg little picking action) the kemper starts sounding like an akward flute - but if you man it up - You man it up!

    Definitely a keeper!

    A question I have - my Gain knob and the one right next to it doesn't quite rotate properly. They tend to touch the surface of the kemper and its rather unpleasant - do you experience the same or do you think I should go for a exchange?

    Thank you - Greetings from Vienna

  • A question I have - my Gain knob and the one right next to it doesn't quite rotate properly. They tend to touch the surface of the kemper and its rather unpleasant - do you experience the same or do you think I should go for a exchange?

    Have the rack too - everything is fine with mine :) think thats a production failure of your kemper.