Complete beginer needing to understand the KPA?

  • Guys,

    I have been a long time Line 6 POD user and understand that each amp model can be adjusted with the basic gain, bass, middle and treble controls to adjust the tone and you can then insert any effect you like to colour the sound. I also believe that this is the same method employed by the Axe FX but on another level.

    What I am struggling to get my head around is the way in which the Kemper creates its presets?

    Is it just the same basic amp profile e.g. Fender Twin, that you can then adjust with the tone controls and add in effects where necessary or does each preset only contain what was profiled at the time?

    Say for example, The amp being profiled is a Fender Twin set clean with a distortion pedal kicked in to create a distorted tone. Is this then set as a preset with no abilty to manipulate the base sound, a snap shot if you will, or can the Kemper then adjust the tone controls as if it were the real amp in front of you?

    I have noticed that the profiles being created by The Amp Factory contain several profiles of the same amp at different settings. So a 3 channel amp would have 3 basic profiles of each channel with further profiles if effects were included in the profiling process?

    Sorry if this doesnt quite make sense, but thats why I am asking the question.



  • A profile is a snapshot of an amp with a specific setting.

    I don't like this wording, since it tends to give the wrong impression.
    A profile is a very dynamic thing - yes it is completely based one a amp & mic recording setup and it recreates this tone very faithfully, but it can be altered by you quite a bit:

    Gain and Eq changes are the most obvious ones, but parameters like Definition and Clarity for exsample give you very intuitive deep editing possibilities.
    Easy access to tonal changes that would have been impossible with the real amp, or would have required a soldering iron and quite a bit of knowledge.

    I suggest you download and read the manuals and watch the videos.
    Have fun :)

  • I have been watching quite a few youtube clips and a lot of them are demonstrations of amp profiling rather than a run through of the presets and the level of adjustment available to the user within that preset.

    The best footage I have seen so far is the Premier Guitar footage shot at the 2011 NAMM show. There might be other footage showing more than the profiling process, but I havnt found it yet.

    Reading through the user guides is a good way to understand a product, but I find watching footage of the product being used is a far better for my brain to understand what its capable of achieving.

  • I have been a long time Line 6 POD user and understand that each amp model can be adjusted with the basic gain, bass, middle and treble controls to adjust the tone and you can then insert any effect you like to colour the sound. I also believe that this is the same method employed by the Axe FX but on another level.

    The Kemper works just like your above description, except on a higher level.

  • I don't like this wording, since it tends to give the wrong impression.

    I certainly didn't intend to give a wrong impression.
    A good tube amp with a specific setting, at its sweet spot, is a highly dynamic and versatile thing in itself.
    And this without turning any more of them knobs. ;)

    You're right about my wording though being a bit superficial..
    I had to learn myself after actually owning the profiler that it is unbeaten in its dynamic response and a real different beast compared to everything I had played before.
    Just like a real tube amp. 8)

  • I've just spent 1 hour playing with the same profile (:13 FR37 from Simone) going from a Jazz tone to a blues crunch to a Lead tone just varying the pick attack and the volume of the guitar. After almost 15 month with the KPA I'm still amazed by the dynamic and feel you get from this magic box...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • the different between a KPA and other amp-modeler is:
    the others try to model the hole amp including how the tonestack and gain works in every position (many informations - realy possibel to clone every detail?)
    the KPA clones/profiles one sweetspot / one adjustment in one profilesession

    then you can adjust with tonestack, gain (definition ... ) the sound like an amp, but they dont work exactly like the "mother"-amp (they are not profiled) they work like the KPA - but its great, you can create sounds witch not there in the real amp:
    - you can adjust the absolutly sweetspot crunch sound of an amt with (much) more or less gain (the real amp will change the complete sound if you change the gain - the KPA only changes the gain!!!)
    - you have a tonstack with bass middle treble presence in every amp - also the real amps has only one tone-knob
    - ...

    if you have more "sweet" sound with the same amp (and the KPA-adjustment didint do it) you have to profile these sounds in other profils too.

    all the adjustments of one profil/rig
    - gain
    - tone
    - effects
    - mods
    - ...
    you can store in different rigs (with snapshot or directly)

    (sorry my english - i´m from germany, but i tryed my best)