i have a blindfold test for ya!

  • Here we go: i have used 2 profiles of my cream JTA-45 (a Marshall JTM-45 clone) and miked the actual amp two times with a shure 57.
    This will become the intro to a song of mine called "Charline". However, i have kept the playing simple so that you can hear what the amp
    does to a c-minor-chord progression. :love:

    I let my wife play the files for me and i guessed only two correct and this only 15 minutes after recording!
    I am curious what you think. The majority of the downloaders do not like the profiles, but one has to confess:
    this is how the actual amp sounds like, so the KPA does a good job, but it's all up to you. :thumbup:


    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • I'm going based on the Rhythm guitar, but I'm assuming you did amp vs profile on both the Rhythm AND the Solo, yes?

    Ok, here's my best guess:

    My guess is based on Number 2 having more bottom end, which is something I have to refine in the profiling process, and number 3 has a bit more crunch, which I'm hoping you didn't add in gain to a profile to throw me off! ;)

    PM me if I'm right/wrong so we don't spoil the thread!

  • thanx so far for your time :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: , before i leave to frankfurt musikmesse i will give the solution.
    some with golden ears :thumbup: have it correct and some have it uncorrect 100%, but that is not a pity,
    this is great, because it only shows that the profiling is in no way artificial or easiliy recognised
    from the "real" amp. cheers, cu soon, stay tuned.

    p.s. i apologize for not mentioning that the "solo" used a carol-ann profile by and44
    usually i mix "real" with profiled sounds, but here i mixed a copy of the one track to left and the other to the right
    either the profiles AND the amp had everything on 12 o' clock, no effects, out of the box, ofcourse tweaking
    is always possible

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • thanks for joining. SPOILER ALERT

    don't read further unless you want to know who is who

    • green charline was the cream clean miked
    • purple/violet was the cream miked and a xotic RC before the clean amp
    • orange is the profile of the xoticesized and profiled amp
    • darkblue was the KPA profile of the clean amp

    that is a big surprise, is it not. and my personal favourite by far is orange, which has a nice distortion
    but still has some of the unbelievable punch of the original amp and this is a profile.
    either thomas has golden ears and has a formidable career as an audio engineer before him or was just a lucky guesser
    may is as it is: thomas was the only one 100% correct. best congratz!??????????? :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
    well memyselfandI couldn't guess it correctly 15 minutes after recording


    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • I tell you why I chose the last two as profiles:
    I listened to the high end, which is most of the time a little bit tighter on a profile. The low end sounded a little bit less 'warm' to my ears than the real amps.

    I'm listening on a pair of KRK rokit 8 monitors, which helps ofcourse.

    Still, these profiles are really good, nice job!

  • #2 was easiest, listen the rhy guitar at 00:28 - this kind of distortion can the KPA not produce.

    The lead tone in #1 and #2 is also much more 'dense'.

    I know I will not make friends but even the KPA is not 100% capable of capturing all fine nuances from a great tube amp - it's the best available but there is still a gap.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • 2 seemed like an obvious amp with too much natural bottom.

    But I thought the other amp was a tossup between 3 and 4 so I took a stab.

    More because I thought 1 was too clean and mix ready to be a real amp without EQ.

    Good micing job there!