Global volume boost affecting outputs, not using up post slots.

  • Would be cool if there was a global volume boost that could be set. It wouldn't even have to take up a block. Rather, it could be assigned a midi # and would automatically bump up all selected outputs by a certain number of decibels. The limitation would be if the volume hits the ceiling, but in most cases we're not setting any of the Kemper's outputs to max anyhow, at least I'm not. Thus engaging it would boost all the outputs by six decibels, if you'd like. Yes, I'm aware that you can place such a boost within a preset, but then if you decide that if your boost in general is too much, you'd have to go and edit each and every Rig. Globally, you could do this once without affecting any of your rigs. Plus it would free up one of the slots for something else. My T.C electronic G system had this feature and it was really useful.

    Personally, I often don't want a high gain Rig for a lead, I just want to boost the volume of the current Rig I'm playing without increasing gain, just to jump out of the live mix. It would be nice if I could just adjust this globally at a gig and eat up one of my four post rig slots to do so. Since many of my rigs use some post EQ, I use a touch of reverb in all my rigs, usually want some delay to engage, I only have one slot left, which I'd prefer to use for some sort of modulation.

  • Actually I have programmed volume pedals CC:s from 80 to 127....
    So I cant mute signal but just have that "boost option"...
    Anyway sometimes I have put eq with only volumes boosted to x-slot for "the second boost option"...dont ask why.. :S

  • This is similar to my request HERE.

    I also need the ability to boost most presets, and I'd really appreciate not having to waste a slot for it...since there are few. My volume pedal is already in use. I'd prefer that this boost was in front of delay/reverb though.

  • This is possible since day one with the volume pedal.
    Do you get the trick? :)

    Yes, I figured as much. Actually did that trick back in the day when I owned the original blue vox tone lab. I don't currently have a volume pedal, preferring simplicity in set up, only using a Rocktron midi mate, though I'm holding out for the future Kemper controller. The only thing I would like a volume pedal for is quick silent tuning, (so that I don't have to dedicate of my CC stomps to tuner) and manual swells, which I'd lose the ability to use if I programed the volume pedal to be a boost. Which reminds me of another effect I'd love to see: an auto-swell. I had one in my Pod HD500 and was pretty useful. I own a line6 m3 which has this feature, but don't like to bother to drag it to gigs as it's one more power adaptor and cable. Once in a while at my church, I'm asked to do some swell stuff in the background for slow songs, but find the pedal dance necessary to pull this off silly, and it's easier to get your timing right.

    Thanks for the feedback, Chris. Not every day the owner of a company answers a forum question. BTW, the Kemper amp is the best piece of gear I've ever owned and can't think of another product which the company continues to improve at this level. The pitch effects being awesome. I bought this thing because I mainly just want really good tone, with effects being of secondary concern in quality. Particularly for live use, most of what comes through the mix is your core tone anyway, not the quality of your effects. In the studio, you have pluggins. (I'd rather have an awesome amp tone with a mediocre delay than an mediocre amp tone with awesome delay) However, I've found the effects quite amazing, as good as the effects in the TC electronic G system I sold before getting this. (and I loved those effects)

  • What would be perfect is a "lead boost" setting in the Amp section. We could then specify a db boost with pre or post amp position for each rig. Give it a CC# to control it and that would be very usable. The global boost may not be the right boost for all songs so individual boost per rig is best.
