Posts by DonPetersen

    The thing that would be nice AND useful is that the server would keep track of what profiles You like/use.
    And if other like the same profiles that You do, there is a possibility that You might like other profiles that they like, that You haven't tried yet?
    Then RM could kindly suggest that You might try these as they might suit You taste.

    This would cut down on aimlessly trying profiles from the exchange...

    We are now close to 4000 profiles on the exchange and it will increase, and that will not make it easier to find the ones that speaks to You.

    personally, I'm not a fan of the whole 'people who liked x also liked y' paradigm, and honestly, I don't take the star rating in the RX too seriously.
    yes, it is an indicator and I compile rigs for the Rig Watch often based on the stars and votes - but there are some seriously misunderstood rigs in the RX with no or low ratings.

    The most meaningful variable I could determine so far is the rig creator. If I find a profile that really speaks to me, I check out all the other profiles this author has made.


    After reading the doc, i was able to filter rigs using series of "+"
    Now my questions :
    1 are there some not yet documented other filtering capabilities ?

    not to my knowledge, no

    2 is it planned to deliver some extended filtering capabilities such as and, or between tags ? I think this was already asked in an other thread

    I wouldn't say planned, but as always we're listening and taking note of requests.

    plus once you start layering guitars, there goes your ability to have you album sound on the road.

    not true.
    Michael Wagener profiles layered amps and cabs with great success

    k maybe just two profiles. that'd be enough. the profiles are what, 8kb, how much processing power can they possibly use.

    what has the size of the profile got to do with the processing power required to run it?
    soft synth/sample library hybrids often have patch files with a similarly small size, yet some can be quite a heavy CPU load even on fast and optimized machines

    they just have to adjust the setup a bit, take me a weekend, no prob.

    I'm not even gonna comment on that one... :D

    Doing a research in Italian the lowest price i see is 90€. Most commonly 130€.
    I'd be genuinely interested in finding a better deal for an italian W7.
    Do you have any link for me?

    Thanks :)

    eBay ;) and yes, I'm talking about completely legit, new and unregistered software, of course
    and aren't these multilingual anyway?

    IIRC it can also be downloaded directly from Microsoft and needs to be activated within 30 days.

    why the aggressive tone?

    I'm trying to help here.

    true, many metal bands use gates also as an artistic choice, not necessarily just to keep the amp from hissing in their ears, but also to shape the attack and release, but what has that to do with your issue?

    I must admit I never encountered a squealing EMG before, but I had only a few of these.

    Like you said, these things are covered in epoxy, not sure what can go wrong there, but again:
    usually, when your guitar starts to squeal when close to an amp the cause the pickup.

    that's why I suggested looking at it from this perspective instead of using a noise gate,
    but you don't seem to be open for suggestions.

    It takes the settings that the user has control over form the Rig that you pick. So that's all the Amp Block settings, all the stomps, reverb, delay, sense settings and so on. Those all get left as is, which means during profiling it doesn't modify the sag, definition, compression, clarity etc settings, just a bunch of internal settings that you don't have access to.

    sorry, that's just not right.

    rig settings, as Stomps and Effects will be part of the resulting rig, that's correct.

    the profile, which resides in the Stack section, is entirely created by the profiling process and parameters as Compressor, Clarity, Pick, Direct Mix etc are initialized while Definition and Power Sagging are determined by the profiling.
    The Definition setting of the profile you used as a starting point has no impact on the new profile.

    The best reason I can think of to choose a similar profile as a starting point is that you could probably keep a few tags with minimal edits. ;)

    Obviously. Regardless the solution to this is still gate/s, or preferably distancing yourself from the speaker, but this is often not possible. Hence the question on how people are setting their gates.

    the best solution is always to treat the cause of the problem.
    properly wax potted pickups shouldn't display microphonic behaviour, even if your standing next to an amp.

    trying to fix this with a noise gate is like trying to cover up uneven picking due to lacking technique with a compressor.

    What are other users doing for their noise gates?

    I'm finding to avoid feedback at normal rehearsal/gig volumes I'm having to set a 4.1 gate on the first stomp with the threshold at maximum. Seems a bit extreme, although i guess i had to set things up similar with a real amp+gate.

    do you mean microphonic feedback (aka howl, squeal etc.)?
    that is 'caused' by mirophonic pickups.

    peavey rockmaster preamp

    ENGL e530 preamp

    peavey ultra plus 120 watt head

    the Peavey Rockmaster preamp has been discussed before, beause it didn't play nice ;)
    I think it has a hard-wired noisegate that affects the profiling process. (the Peavey Ultra Plus is most likely very similar/the same)

    Peavey Rockmaster

    Johnson Du and Jevo successfully made profiles of the e530 (RigExchange) maybe they can chime in

    now we're getting somewhere :)

    one important thing to keep in mind is that your not really objectively judging the profile you're playing, you're judging it on the basis of the last profile you played.

    it's like playing in let's say phrygian dominant for an hour or two, and then switching to ionian. it's gonna sound weird, even tho there's nothing wrong with ionian,
    you just happen to be in another sonic spectrum right now.

    take a break for 10mins or more, come back and ionian will sound fine.

    sometimes you just have to give your ears (and what's hopefully between them) some time to adapt to the new sound.