Posts by karlic

    I had 2 Kempers for several months. My first was a "Toaster" KPA that I initially just bought for home recording, but then like it so much I wanted to use one with the band, so after biting the financial bullet, picked up a rack KPA as well thinking it would be a more robust setup for constant live gigs. For me it was the right call.

    After a few months it was obvious the rack KPA (in a shallow SKB Roto case) was a better fit for me all round. Even in the rack, it is light, easy to throw in vehicles etc, and really no hassle to move around at all. Overall was just more convenient for me in every way. I sold the toaster and now just take the rack one home when I need it. Keeping both seemed totally pointless.

    I never did try running both at one in Stereo though. Shamefully.... that setup never even occurred to me :| Would have been fun to screw with!

    Yes, I have the rack in a shallow SKB 3u and it can even go as hand luggage on the plane. Initially I was going to get a toaster for this, but it isn’t really that much smaller and even weighs a little more than the rack.

    There is a lot of space inside the rack unit, so I guess the 3u thing is all about the user interface.

    I think they said it was being worked on. Kemper always seem to put features that contribute to the sound and tone first thought, which is the way it should be.

    Although I could probably make use of an editor occasionally, ask me if I prefer that or the new reverbs, or maybe a Mimiq type effect and it is an easy decision.

    It’s a long time since I remembered to compare the Kemper to valve amps. I think of it as an amp in its own right and prefer a flexible, reliable rig that sounds the same each time it is plugged in.

    The 99% thing is very misleading, because my 6505 sounds more than 5% different each time I mic it up

    If you are getting program changes from a DAW, then it is fairly easy to just write a new rig for each delay change. I have something like 100 rigs for live use and it is a reliable way to get not just the delay time, but a feedback that suits the part too.

    It is worth having some basic sounds in the first few rigs in case midi fails.

    Either way, once you have the scale set up you can forget it and save the rig. Probably there are better things to spend time on at this stage.

    You can see from the editor issue that Kemper always prioritise updates that make a difference to tone and sound first and that gets my vote.

    I think anyone who has been in a studio, and has used a Kemper, understands that writing down some preset settings would be very easy to do in a very short amount of time. To say otherwise is hilarious. If you were REALLY busy, you have to find the time, which would mean it's a priority...and clearly this is not.

    what about just taking a couple of pictures with the settings? That would be 30 seconds and keep people quiet:-)

    For the price, the Snark SN-8 has been unbeatable for me. It still tunes a standard electric in a noisy stage environment when others are playing. I have had a few headstock tuners, but this is easily the best so far. You never have to think about muting the amp either.

    With the high gain sounds I have for rhythm I notice a change in the sound at somewhere between 350-400hz. It may just be the individual profile, but it needs attenuation on an eq.

    Any improvement that comes down the line will be welcome, but these minor issues will not stop me using it. I would be carrying 4 guitars instead of 2 without it.

    I'm using it in a gig situation with in-ears, so not hearing the real guitar. Mostly it is high gain and solos with delay, so just as MOCMunkeh describes. You get used to the latency in those cases, but a few exposed clean sections are always testy when trying to stay in time!

    I think with a little tweaking of the EQ you could take some of the harshness out of that "robotic" sound out, ive not really used it with a clean tone so i couldn't really comment.
    I have played around with the smooth chords parameter and it didn't seem to make much of a difference on the latency? I'd imagine it does add some latency as your adding something else for the processor to do but if it did , it wasn't noticeable.

    There is no problem with the tone on the clean sound. It is just that the delay is more apparent because you clearly hear the pick of each note.

    Playing live, I use the transpose effect for 3 songs and it is really not bad in tone considering what you are achieving. Of course I would like faster tracking, as clean sounds are quite difficult to play when the transient is so clear.

    One question I have is does the smooth chords introduce any further latency?