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KEMPER at Musikmesse 2015

Kemper Airstream Trailer

This year at Musikmesse Frankfurt KEMPER™ again will host the fancy Airstream trailer outside in the courtyard right in front of the Agora stage (AG15 in front of Hall 4. The trailer is packed with KEMPER PROFILER™ Heads and Racks for you check out with headphones and some monitor stations. A special thanks goes out to Ibanez who were so kind to equip all the PROFILER stations with guitars.

We are happy to meet you, answer all your questions and of course we are interested in your input, learning what you think. Looking forward seeing you at Messe 2015!

Just right for Messe we also are very happy to launch the KEMPER PROFILER Tutorial Video Channel. Here’s what we told the press:

Kemper GmbH just opened their dedicated Youtube Tutorial Video channel for the acclaimed KEMPER PROFILER. The videos offer straightforward tips and tricks regarding the basic and essential features necessary for finding your way around the sonic and architectural power of the PROFILER.

Christoph Kemper founder and inventor states: "We meet a lot of guitarists and bassists at trade shows, workshops and concerts. We then often realize that some unique and incredible features of the PROFILER remain unknown to the users. So we came up with this series of videos that allow for new users to get started with the profiler in no time. But also experienced users will most definitely discover something new and helpful regarding the PROFILER. Another very important point is that for guitarists who just want to know everything about the Profiler prior to their final purchasing decision get the best introduction to its unique features and sonic power possible.
For this we have created a dedicated and streamlined production environment to be able to provide new multi language tutorial videos on a frequent basis."

The videos are available in english, german and will be available in Japanese soon. The KEMPER Tutorial Video Channel is available at: