• Hello everyone,

    I'll try to keep it short.

    I've been playing for 20 years now, mostly blues/rock/pop. For a time I was convinced I was going pro, like most of my family did, but economic pressure crushed that idea at some point. Anyway, I've never stopped playing and have no intention of doing so.

    As I'm mostly after "vintagey" sounds I've always been a valve/pedals kind of guy, I was never convinced by the digital realm at all. Recently though, I'm playing a lot at home and have few occasions to let my 15w amp loose.

    So the possibility to have a convincing sound at home and then using it live seems very appealing, and as I started looking at some alternatives. I quickly realized profiling was the way to go for me.

    A lot of seemingly competent people seem to find modeling products such as the Helix at least on par with the KPA, some even prefers them. I really can't understand that. Maybe it's subjective, but modeling, of whatever brand, always seems to me to get the final sound somewhat right but not the feel. Like a polished sound you'd hear on a pop record where the guitar has a somewhat secondary place. Not what I'm after. I mostly judge an amp or "amp-substitute" by it's ability to get a very lightly, almost impercetibly overdriven sound (like a SRV "Lenny" or Clapton kind of sound), and the kemper is the only digital amp I ever heard doing this convincingly with an open, breathing sound.

    Also, as I understand it, I can still make use of my pedals and they will sound exactly as they're supposed to. From my experience, pedals don't sound good at all through modeling stuff.

    That said, I'm convinced I'll make the economic sacrifice in a few days, weeks at most.

    The goal is to replace the whole rig keeping 2 or 3 of my pedals at most, unless I get the same results without them.

    Still, I have some doubts about functionality and configuration that I'd like to address. Some before ordering, some surely after I start using it.

    Still undecided on the version and some setup alternatives. But I'll bother you with this in the right sections of the forum.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  • Welcome, have fun here in the forum and with your Kemper once it arrives. Thanks for your introduction and your thoughts around the Kemper and other digital gear. All very true and my thinking as well. For sure the Helix stuff and Fractal as well are great tools, nevertheless the profiling approach of the Kemper comes more conveniant (and for me even more convincing) than the others.

    Looking forward to your questions and thoughts. Cheers :thumbup:8)

  • Welcome to a new experience.

    I'm right with u, it's different approach but hardwares modelisation are amps of the futur.

    For me, before KPA : "what sound my hardware can do ?"

    Today : "what sound, amps and effects I want ?"

    and it's same thing as a new guitar, we need to tame the beast :)

  • Welcome, markvs. :)

    Good assessment of the state of modelling IMHO. I wouldn't sweat too much on which form factor to go for 'cause as you've probably figured out already, you can't go wrong with any of them ultimately.

    Plan on picking the unit up and moving it around the house a lot? Toaster, Stage or Rack in a dedicated rack with handle/s.

    Fancy a fixed position without having to reach for the floor? Rack or Toaster.

    Gigging? Any of the units - Rack or Toaster (with floorboard if required) or Stage.