Rig Manager iPAD App Remote

  • Hey guys,
    is there ever gonna be a real Rig Manager for iOS/iPAD with which you can really srcoll through the different amps and choose from ?
    As much as I dig the Kemper, I just can't wrap my mind around that a company offering one of the most influential amp profilers isn't able to come up with anything close to a good user app remote interface - not to speak of the look... Frankly, even the Rig Mangager for desktop Mac looks like a nightmare, unless you have a fetish for 80's excel sheets. But it just drives me nuts that they just won't ever come up with something like this elementary for iOS. I love the Kemper soundwise, and the whole profiler-concept behind this. But the user interface is just no fun to use at all. How can one have no ambition to improve this obvious shortcoming since ages....
    I never use the iOS app, cause it just doesn't make sense to me to first pick a sound with my deskotop mac or within the Kemper itself and then take the iPad to tweak it. The most vital feature wiht any app would be the chance to pick sounds in the first place.

    Does anyone know anything about yet to come updates?

  • What I really like about the iOS app is that it gives me the option of having a large, quick Touchscreen for adjustments at finger reach when playing live, without having to bend on the floor (Stage). In studio, with the normal RM connected, it's redundant. I don't understand this need to have everything doing it all at anytime.....and then likely not needing it. Let's keep the church in town...(freely translated from a popular German sentence) ;)

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • Frankly, even the Rig Mangager for desktop Mac looks like a nightmare, unless you have a fetish for 80's excel sheets. But it just drives me nuts that they just won't ever come up with something like this elementary for iOS. I love the Kemper soundwise, and the whole profiler-concept behind this. But the user interface is just no fun to use at all. How can one have no ambition to improve this obvious shortcoming since ages....

    I agree the iPad app is currently limited in its application. I also agree with Kellerblues that the App and Desktop can be considered as independent of each other. I personally don't use the app as I have a Toaster and don't need it but I might feel differently if I was using a Stage.

    However, I disagree about the Desktop RM. I actually think the layout (as with the KPA physical interface) might not be glossy and sexy but it is totally functional. I'll take functional over sexy but impractical any day. If they can achieve both so much the better but I'm not losing any sleep over the current display and layout functionality.

  • The iPad app was a godsend for my poor eyesight and I’m grateful for it but the OP has pointed to the obvious shortcomings.

    The basic navigation of rigs and access to all the menus is well overdue.

    I’m hoping the new android support will include these features and the iOS version will arrive with the update as well.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Sorry guys, maybe I got a little disproportionately heatet about all that. Or at least my post might sound like that. I am still finding my sleep : )

    As I said, I love the Kemper soundwise. And Wheresthedug is right: functionality is more important than blinky layouts. I feel the same, and that is why I have chosen the Kemper over other boards like Helix i. a., that do have great display layouts, but well, just can't comopete soundwise.

    But yes, I do use the Kemper Stage, and when the iOS app came out, I immediatly got it, cause it would be a huge improvement to chose rigs via an app. That was 2 or 3 years ago, and since then I have been waiting for an update with nothing more than what the name of the app does promise: A rig manager.

    It's all not a reason to talk the device down, it might even be just personal taste, however, I disagree with Wheresthedug on this a little: Even though functionality is more important than the layout, I am still surprised how they neglect this that much. You still pay quite some money for the device, so for some it can be a little disappointing, to see a software which pays a hard tribute to the 80s. We all know what is possible these days without much effort. I am not nessecarily asking for blinky animated stuff, or anything. But I wouldn't mind if it just would look sorta nice (?) and mostly if you would be able to skip through the rigs more easily (a larger typo etc.). That'd be a start. The amp tweaking section looks quite decent for instance, again not too inspiring, but ok.

    All I am trying to say is, I think, I get where they want to focus on. And that is good. Also, the case design is great in its simplicity. I like that.
    But the software, this excel tables... Even if musicians might not be the most visual people.. It shouldn't hurt looking at it, should it? OK, I start exaggerating again...

  • I'd also like to see the iPad rig manager improved, specifically the ability to search for a rig name.

    Maybe there's already a thread open on this?

    it seems i have to move rig by rig and can't find a way to quickly get to a specific rig name.

    if i'm on rig 1 and want to go to rig 84......takes quite a while using the iPad app.

    it's faster just stepping on the stage bank up of course, but, sure would be nice if could just get directly to the bank searching by name

    (which i do on the desktop rig manager). :)