Posts by music

    Wie sind denn Deine Einstellungen?

    Also Input Sektion, Output Sektion,...

    Inwiefern sind die genannten Profile verändert? Z.B. andere Cabs?

    Weil an sich klingen die Profile, die ich von den genannten Herrschaften (ist das noch gendergerecht?) habe, alle bühnentauglich.

    Manchmal, z.B. bei Michael Britt, ändere ich noch die Cab, weil mir die Profile sonst zu "dark", quasi wie mit einem Teppich vor'm Mikro, vorkommen.

    Wenn ich mal Zeit habe, diese ganzen Prozeduren zu erledigen, ok.

    Der RigManager ist bei mir nie angeschlossen, weil ich aufgrund bisheriger Erfahrungen von dem Teil rein gar nix halte.

    Es betrifft bestimmte Prozeduren und das auch nicht immer. Manchmal "hängt" der Toaster beim Speichern, gefühlt ca. 2 - 3 Sekunden. Manchmal das gleiche beim drehen von Knöpfen, bis die Anzeige den veränderten Wert anzeigt.

    Das mit dem grundsätzlich langsameren Verhalten (z.B. beim Knöpfe drehen) kann ich zwischen meiner Stage und meinem Toaster (2015) auch feststellen. Manchmal "hängt" der Toaster sogar etwas. Wenn man z.B. abspeichern möchte, muss man ja eigentlich den passenden Knopf mehrmals drücken. Dazwischen "hängt" der Toaster manchmal, die Stage nie.
    Anzahl der Profiles/Rigs/Performances ist bei beiden Geräten identisch.
    Sollte ich auch ein Support Ticket öffnen? Oder könnte es auch an der "älteren" Hardware liegen?

    Maybe I got the problems of the author wrong, but:

    Isn't it the easiest way to solve the problems by creating a rig with the amp section switched ON?

    If there is a problem with the guitar, you just change to this rig.

    Yes, it is the original cable.
    I didn't try another cable because the Ethernet cables, I have, are longer than the original Kemper cable.
    What is the problem of the Remote? Doesn't it get enough power? But if so, if I hit the button the remote boots correctly.
    So I don't understand why the cable could be the problem. After pushing the button, the Remote works fine with the connected cable.

    I attached a video.
    You can see the remote after the boot of the profiler head (newest official OS).

    The remote does not boot until finish, it stays in a situation in which one button is blinking red.
    Then I push that button and the remote finishes booting.
    If I don't push the button, the remote will stay in this blinking situation and will not boot until the end.

    Does anybody know what is the problem of the remote?

    Problem with Remote

    If you need to balance the levels of channels in the KPA use the Panorama control in the Rig Menu.

    But then I have to edit every single rig of my profiler.
    With more than 60 performances I use (each performance is for 1 song) that's a lot of work.

    It would be much easier to have a DT which works correct.

    You can use a mixer. When playing at gig volumes then the volume difference should not be that noticeable to the audience especially in the mix of a band. But I would prefer that the volumes are equal if that can be possible. I am not defending the way DT's work now but I know how to compensate for it.

    If I go to a gig I don't want to use an additional mixer. I want to use my Kemper and the two channels of the Kemper go to the FOH and are linked together in the main mixer.

    I would like to keep it as simple as possible. Therefor both channels must have the same level and the same sound (EQ, effects,...).

    I agree.

    With this problems, the DT makes right now, it's not usable for me live on stage.

    I play stereo and I need two channels with exact the same volume because there are rigs I use which have DT

    and there are rigs without.