Kemper Signal Chain concern (ie: pre-delay, pre-chorus, pre-effects)

  • I'm wondering if this issue is going to fixed soon enough, or if I'm going to have to shell out money to buy a delay so I can have it in the front of the amp?

    I'm kind of bummed out by that, and have been indirectly deterring AxeFx-users by not being able to do pre-delays. Am I missing something with that?

    I have everyone convinced that the Kemper sounds ampy-er than the AxeFx, right off the bat, generally. But when it comes to the effect signal chain, I get the "ahhh, man, that's a bummer..." from most people.

    I have been into modeling gear since the Vetta, for the very reason that I have everything all in one place. To buy a delay pedal makes me feel like I've made a mistake, considering my Kemper isn't for home use, it's for live use. I would hate to buy a delay pedal to make up for this feature issue.

    Any word on this being fixed any time soon?

  • Hi GnarlesBronson,

    while it is correct that Delay and Reverb are only available in the Delay and Reverb slots (for now), please note that all other effects can be placed in any of the A, B, C, D, X and Mod slots. The title of your post kinda implies that this is not so. ("pre-chorus")

    Also, I'd like to point out that there is for example no limit on the number of effect types in one rig. You want four or more distortions in one rig? Sure, no problem. (Not too long ago I made a very well received sitar rig that sounds the way it does, because it uses the Micropitch effect in all six available slots.)

    Two more little fun facts about our effect chain:
    You can seamlessly blend between serial and parallel delay/reverb operation with a dedicated parameter and there's always automatic spill-over from rig to rig.

    The concept and layout of our effects is very user friendly and intuitive, which is sadly sometimes mistaken as 'too simple'.


  • please be in the next update ..please ..pretty pretty please ...the delay in front of the amp is THE only thing I miss from my previous setup and if I get the delay sorted ..I'll seel my previous set up and buy another kemper :-)))