Searching to find the good Profiles...

  • I keep reading on the other forum about "searching through Profiles to find the good ones".

    Well if you have to search through hundreds of Profiles to find the 'good ones' then you're doing something wrong.

    Just sayin... :)

  • I keep reading on the other forum about "searching through Profiles to find the good ones".

    Well if you have to search through hundreds of Profiles to find the 'good ones' then you're doing something wrong.

    Just sayin... :)

    "Well if you have to search through hundreds of Profiles to find the 'good ones' then you're doing something wrong."

    did you post that at the 'other' forum? :D

  • Since installing rig manager, it's seems to me like there are very few 'terrible' profiles out there. And the difference between a 'good one' and a 'bad one' is usually personal preference plus the guitar you are using! TBH, there is a lifetime of playing through 5000 odd profiles with one guitar, provided you use the pickup selector, volume and tone knobs. And that's before you've got off your arse cakes and picked up a different guitar. Or thought about picking dynamics ;)

    I think it's just that the best ones for me as an individual are SO good that some other perfectly decent ones get overlooked :)

    I really think that Rig Manager will help lay rest to the myth that there aren't many good profiles unless you pay for them. I love the best of the commercial efforts but now it is sooooo easy to bring up ALL of your AC30's and have them side by side.....

    There were always lots of good books in the library. It's just that they happened to be laying all over the floor in an order that didn't make sense and you had to use a snow shovel to find them. Now, it's easy. I've already discovered some gems and I've had less play time than I'd like of late!

  • I'm pretty picky too but it's rare that I find a profile that I would consider "bad". Every once in a while I'll load one up that just doesn't sound professional- like the person who did it just didn't have much knowledge in micing cabs. Usually, though, it's just a matter of taste rather than it actually being a "bad" profile.

    I'd say about half of my most commonly used profiles are commercial. The other half free.

  • I'm pretty picky too but it's rare that I find a profile that I would consider "bad". Every once in a while I'll load one up that just doesn't sound professional- like the person who did it just didn't have much knowledge in micing cabs. Usually, though, it's just a matter of taste rather than it actually being a "bad" profile.

    I'd say about half of my most commonly used profiles are commercial. The other half free.

    Yeah it´s rather hard to find a "bad" profile. Its just (at least for such a picky guy like me) just as hard to find a profile that sounds like I want it to sound. But then again, the profiler is awesome and we can tweak the living hell out of every profile :D

  • one important thing to keep in mind is that your not really objectively judging the profile you're playing, you're judging it on the basis of the last profile you played.

    it's like playing in let's say phrygian dominant for an hour or two, and then switching to ionian. it's gonna sound weird, even tho there's nothing wrong with ionian,
    you just happen to be in another sonic spectrum right now.

    take a break for 10mins or more, come back and ionian will sound fine.

    sometimes you just have to give your ears (and what's hopefully between them) some time to adapt to the new sound.

  • didn´t consider that. And what you´re saying makes a lot of sense. Dammit. Now I have to retry a lot of rigs. :D

  • So true, I've noticed this as well.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • I haven't used the Rig Manager yet because I'm on Mac, but, as far as I can see, it's like the Louvre Museum.

    It gives you the option to be in touch with thousands of sonic art. Of course you can dislike some of them, but it's only a matter of tastes :)

  • On top of that, your mood on a particular day will alter what you perceive to be 'good'.

    With food, I love traditional favourites, French, Italian, Spanish, Indian, Far East etc. If I'm in the mood for a curry, Chinese just won't do despite my love of both.

    With films, some nights I want an intense drama. Some nights I want a comedy.

    With listening to music, I love *something* out of pretty much any style you could mention so my perception of a 'good sound' really depends on what I'm trying to achieve!

    I recently bought an Epiphone Casino which is really, really nice. Neck pickup stuck me as being really muffled at first. Then I picked up my Tele and thought 'man, this sounds thin.....'. Casino neck sounded right when I picked that up again :)

  • Another thing I've learned is DON'T get obsessed over tweaking and/or finding "that perfect" profile if you're tired!

    Things never sound as good to me when I'm sleep deprived...and I don't play as well either.