Display name of guitar?

  • Hello,
    When playing live with a JT Variax and a Strat, I use input presets that I set up for each Variax Model after unlocking the input settings.
    When I change Rig and guitar or even from a louder to quieter model, my input settings are adjusted according to the preset.
    Since the latest Rig manager up date, I've had a few issues when copying Rigs between set lists with input settings going a little AWOL!
    When that happens I just have to re select from the Inpit section.
    hope this helps!

  • Hello,

    thanks for the hint, but I want to use every preset with any of my guitars.
    And holding every preset 8 times in the memory is no good solution.

    Still no way to get displayed the name of the currently selected guitar (input type) in the main window or at least by pressing the Input button
    (or any other)?
    There is a big empty display window after pressing Input. No chance to display anything there without the need to turn a knob?

    No support since 4 years - a tragedy here :(

  • When you are on that page in Input Section you see all the settings. This section has only one page. You see Clean Sens, which is probably most relevant in this scenario, plus perhaps Distortion Sens, which we see as less relevant. Only these two parameter settings are included in an input preset anyhow. Input Source and Reamp Sens are not included. Input Source wouldn't switch to ALTERNATIVE INPUT anyhow as long as something is physically plugged into the Front INPUT. Why can't you simply verify that these one or two parameter settings are appropriate for the guitar you are currently using? If you for example switch to a Jazzmaster with low output you would expect a high Clean Sens. If the Clean Sens is low, you must have missed to load the appropriate input preset.

    Conceptually whenever you load a preset - in this scenario an input preset - the link to that preset isn't maintained. It's just another way to dial in a list of parameters. Even if we would change that, maintain it and for example show "Stratocaster" on the Input Section screen, this would have to disappear as soon as you manually adjust the settings of Clean Sens or Distortion Sens, because from that moment onward what you see and what you hear is not congruent with the preset "Stratocaster" anymore. Depending on how you work the life times of these displayed preset names might be quite short.

  • Only these two parameter settings are included in an input preset anyhow. Input Source and Reamp Sens are not included.

    that explains something which has been really bugging me for some time. I thought mine was not working properly because the main thing ai want to save is input source and the reamp source..

    I rarely chanClean Sens or Distortion Sens but I do switch between playing and SPDIF reamping.Other than those settings Input presets are pretty much irrelevant to me as far as I can make out.

  • I actually forgot the input Noise Gate setting, which is also stored in an input preset. So, three parameters. Those are the same three parameters, which are stored in every Rig. The Rig settings only take affect if the Input Section is not locked. Input Source and Reamp Sens are global parameters not stored in input presets nor in Rigs.