In Ear Monitors

  • I don't find there to be any difference?? Did you have space active on the headphone out and not the main/monitor out


    The headphone out is a warmer, fuller sounding output compared to the monitor out. It even sounds better when I plug the wireless ear buds into the Headphone out directly.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I shelled out for the JHAudios. Nothing cheap about them, but they sound fantastic. If I could do it all over again, I would have probably gone with 1964ears and saved a few hundred bucks. (I hadn't discovered them when I pulled the trigger on the JHs.)

    A less expensive option is to get a decent set of shure IEMs and having them custom remolding done from a place like 1964ears or this type of place.

    In my opinion, the seal / fit / ambient noise blocking, is just as important as the compnents.

  • I shelled out for the JHAudios. Nothing cheap about them, but they sound fantastic. If I could do it all over again, I would have probably gone with 1964ears and saved a few hundred bucks. (I hadn't discovered them when I pulled the trigger on the JHs.)

    A less expensive option is to get a decent set of shure IEMs and having them custom remolding done from a place like 1964ears or this type of place.

    In my opinion, the seal / fit / ambient noise blocking, is just as important as the compnents.

    Interesting you should say that. I have 1964 ears and I'm tempted to buy a set of JHaudio's

  • In my opinion, the seal / fit / ambient noise blocking, is just as important as the compnents.

    I've played on the LOUDEST of stages, and even the basic shure SE215s will do a perfect job of isolation. There really is no NEED for custom moulds, though they will undoubtedly be more comfortable. IMO the cash is better saved for a reliable wireless system.

  • No.

    The headphone out is a warmer, fuller sounding output compared to the monitor out. It even sounds better when I plug the wireless ear buds into the Headphone out directly.

    Keep in mind: Headphone Out = stereo, Monitor Out = mono. Maybe that's the difference?

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Interesting you should say that. I have 1964 ears and I'm tempted to buy a set of JHaudio's

    When I went to NAMM last year in January, my goal was to audition every in-ear monitor I could find. There were 5 different manufacturers demoing in totally different ways, but I still came away with firm impressions about each one (for my ears). I ended up only looking at the top of the line (or close to the top) from each vendor, as the lower end models were clearly inferior.

    The JHAudio are the top of the question in my mind/ears. The 1964ears were right behind them in sound; however they offered a "soft" ear canal as an option and were quite a bit less expensive for VERY similar sound. IMO, the only difference is in the very high-end detail which would be *nice* for music listening, but irrelevant for stage use.

    The bottom line: I am exceedingly happy with my 1964ears, and have not looked back.

  • guys....sorry for my dumb one. but not having used the iem, how do we hook ehtm up with the kemper? i understand they are used normally with the mixer feed. but the kpa is a total different ball game.


    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • guys....sorry for my dumb one. but not having used the iem, how do we hook ehtm up with the kemper? i understand they are used normally with the mixer feed. but the kpa is a total different ball game.


    This is how I run mine Michael. Monitor out feeds the FOH desk this has no "Space" effect on I don't receive this through my IEM's. I then feed the 2 channels on the desk the Main outs this has "Space" active and feeds my IEM through the mix outs on the A@H QU-16 this way I can have my own mix compared to the front of house plus I get to use the great SPACE feature to give my guitar that cab/in the room feeling in my ears :thumbup:

  • ok. but isn't it a way to feed the iem directly with the kemper? i know tis way I won't have anything but the guitar. but the reat of the band comes with the high overall volume.

    just guessing


    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • ok. but isn't it a way to feed the iem directly with the kemper? i know tis way I won't have anything but the guitar. but the reat of the band comes with the high overall volume.

    just guessing


    You could just feed your IEM's with the headphone out if you just want guitar. When I first got my IEM's the volume was quite high having a full band mix in my ears but slowly I have been getting used to turning it down and playing a low volumes

  • just a terminology misunderstanding I guess: the iem are fed by a signal, right? you can take an output from the kemper to go to the iem........i don't see nothing missable here :)

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • I've played on the LOUDEST of stages, and even the basic shure SE215s will do a perfect job of isolation. There really is no NEED for custom moulds, though they will undoubtedly be more comfortable. IMO the cash is better saved for a reliable wireless system.

    I found that to be untrue. I tried all the sleeves with the 215s and every time I turned my head the seal broke and the mix was ruined.

  • I use Shure IEM's and generally just leave my left 1 in , the one on the drummers side ...I get enough feed from the others stage volume.

    I run 'monitor out' into its own channel on the desk and get only that channel back into my IEM's with my vocal so I can adjust the monitor volume as I wish during the gig

  • I have used in ears for about 10 years! i also have amp on stage, and for me this is very good combo! all in my band use it, and the benefits are no need to carry big monitors on gig. no monitor amps, lover volume on stage, only guitar and Bass amps at desent volume.
    I had first plugs with wire, and it worked ok. itryed a cheap wireless for a couple og years it was also ok, but when i bought the Sennheiser ew300 IEM G3, I realised that this was much better sounding and quality! Even batterylife is much longer! I would recomand Sennheiser ew300! Its not cheap but over time it is worth the money

  • I have used in ears for about 10 years! i also have amp on stage, and for me this is very good combo! all in my band use it, and the benefits are no need to carry big monitors on gig. no monitor amps, lover volume on stage, only guitar and Bass amps at desent volume.
    I had first plugs with wire, and it worked ok. itryed a cheap wireless for a couple og years it was also ok, but when i bought the Sennheiser ew300 IEM G3, I realised that this was much better sounding and quality! Even batterylife is much longer! I would recomand Sennheiser ew300! Its not cheap but over time it is worth the money

    I use use the sennheiser ew300 G2 and have to agree they are great :)

  • Keep in mind: Headphone Out = stereo, Monitor Out = mono. Maybe that's the difference?

    Monitor out is mono as is the main XLR out which I also run as mono. No difference in tone to my monitor system so it should be the same to the IEMs.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • There is an EQ section for the monitor out, maybe this got tweaked? SURE you haven't disabled the cab sim? This would only apply to the monitor out.

    No, the cab sim was definitely on.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me