Green scream

  • Is there an actual real pedal that will produce the green scream voice ?
    Sometimes I play through a Carr and would like to be able to get that mid rangey woody tone.

    This is when you know that digital has made it - when people look for an analogue equivalent of the digital version. What a great time for musicians!

  • Is there an actual real pedal that will produce the green scream voice ?
    Sometimes I play through a Carr and would like to be able to get that mid rangey woody tone.

    As stated - the Maxon 808 would be the classic green scream. However I tested the green scream with the same settings as the maxon and got different results, not a big difference but a difference nonetheless. But If you´re willing to try and play around with it the Maxon will be your best bet. If you are able to try something different then try the maxon 820 too, might work a tad better for you!

  • However I tested the green scream with the same settings as the maxon and got different results

    I think this could be the effect of extended range of KPA's green scream controls comparied to real stompbox.
    It's the same as with gain of any profiled amp - you can set it way beyond the range of original amp. And I think that's very nice feature. :)

    IIRC it was stated by CK here on forums and I found it also on WIKPA :thumbup:

    Quote from WIKPA

    Q: Why aren't the knobs on each effect on the Profiler work exactly like the real counterpart? If I use my tubescreamer out put at max, it's about +2 on the green scream. If you go over you get a hotter output.. The fuzz in the Kemper has to be toned down, the output is way too loud on that one !!!! Not realistic at all!!!

    A: Don't expect us to have the volume knobs of our effects have the same range as the,originals. We have given them a much wider range - to your benefit - as well as a unified range among all effects.
