EQ in the chain or in the DAW?

  • I was recently recording some rig tests to see how the tones would work out with my playing and I was wondering - do you guys add the standard High/Low-pass in the kemper chain or add it later via external plugin? Adding it to the chain would make the profiles "mixable" right away. At least for minor tone testing. But then again How does the internal EQ hold up against external plugins such as Fabfilter ProQ or Waves SSL EQs?

  • In my experience, it's best to get the sound 'in the ballpark', but leave the serious eqing until it's time to mix. Once you've taken something away, it's hard to dial it back in, if at all possible. Generally, a gentle (6-12dB/octave) high pass filter set around 80 Hz is all I'd apply, if anything, just to clear up the subsonic rubbish. however, that's a technique I apply to recording real amps, so take it with however much salt you like...


  • In my experience, it's best to get the sound 'in the ballpark', but leave the serious eqing until it's time to mix. Once you've taken something away, it's hard to dial it back in, if at all possible. Generally, a gentle (6-12dB/octave) high pass filter set around 80 Hz is all I'd apply, if anything, just to clear up the subsonic rubbish. however, that's a technique I apply to recording real amps, so take it with however much salt you like...


    Probably the best way to go at it!