So many new options! Camplifier or Ambrosi plus what cab?

  • I ran the KPA / Ambrosi tonight for the first time through an early 90'2 Mesa 4x12 with EV's in a rock band I'm in.....

    Holy Shit .....SO Much volume available onstage !

    I think I need to turn the internal 'tweak' down as I never got past 3 ( out of 15 LEDS ) on the Kemper Monitor control

  • I see. What I mean is that, being the volume knob linear, moving it from say 8 to 7 or from 3 to 2 won't give you a different resolution.
    A good reason for lowering the trimmer would be if you had to turn the knob down by more than 3 notches tho.


  • When the monitor volume is at 2 then I can only barely move the monitor knob to get the desired increase or decrease...If I was running at say 6 at this volume then I would have more ability to tweak up and down as the movements won't be as minute ....when playing live making smaller adjustments is more difficult basically

  • If I'm reading Gianfranco correctly, the linearity is still there, whether your volume is 2 or 6. The "movement" would still be relatively the same, only at a different point in knob rotation?

    Also, couldn't you tweak the volume with "volume" knob?

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • tweaking with the volume knob will change the FOH.

    I may be completely wrong but my understanding is as follows :

    If the total monitor volume out of the Kemper is a constant , then the only thing that affects the volume of it onstage will be the power amp volume.....

    1.5 LEDS will be 10 % of 15 LEDS for example ? So it the total power amp volume is 50w at full volume then each leds will be c.3w. 1.5 LEDS would be c.5w if Im correct.

    If the total power amp is running at 40w then each led will be c.2.5w and therefore the rate of change in terms of volume will be less per LED....

    Apologies if I'm being dumb about this....( sorrry GF ! )

  • tweaking with the volume knob will change the FOH.

    Huh... I guess it really shows I'm a bedroom warrior! :whistling: While it makes perfect sense, I wasn't actively aware of this.

    As for the rest, it's not my poweramp design so I'm just gonna go lurk over there in the corner. ^^

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • Why? Isn't your Monitor Out for stage monitoring and the Main Outs for FOH?

    Good point, Kempermaniac. I would disengage monitor out from the master volume and set the volume from within the output section. Use the master volume to set the level of the signal going to FOH.

    Which one is louder (connected to a 4x12 cab) between the Ambrosi and Camplifier 180 ?

    The Ambrosi is about 40 W, IIRC, while the Camplifier is 180. No contest. But the Ambrosi is stereo, so keep that in mind. Camplifier offers stereo power amps as well, the 290 and the 360.

  • Robman s talking about the rig volume, which is before the Main volume (be it Monitor or Main Out).

    As for the ATM-70, it's 30W / 16ohm, 50W / 8ohm, 70W / 4ohm.

    The ATM is not stereo, altho it offers 2 outs for connecting two cabs while keeping the Profiler's Monitor Out and Main Outs free for connecting to an external amp, a mixing desk or whatever.

  • Robman s talking about the rig volume, which is before the Main volume (be it Monitor or Main Out).

    As for the ATM-70, it's 30W / 16ohm, 50W / 8ohm, 70W / 4ohm.

    The ATM is not stereo, altho it offers 2 outs for connecting two cabs while keeping the Profiler's Monitor Out and Main Outs free for connecting to an external amp, a mixing desk or whatever.

    Ooh. I didn't know that, thought it was a stereo power amp, thanks for the clarification.

  • Good point, Kempermaniac. I would disengage monitor out from the master volume and set the volume from within the output section. Use the master volume to set the level of the signal going to FOH.

    No, the other way round! ;) Send -15db to FOH and unlink Main Outs from the volume knob. @Robman: this will solve your problem.

  • Hi all. I'm likely going to purchase the powered rack version KPA with remote - this is so that portability is an advantage (the powered KPA is only 0.6kg heavier and won't require a separate power amp to use with a guitar cab...)

    However, I have heard some negative comments regarding the in-built poweramp of the Kemper; is it possible to bypass it if I wish to use a 3rd party poweramp?

    And secondly, what are good (flat response, that won't colour the sound/tone) power amps for the Kemper (ideally 1U rack space!) how much are they (GBP) and opinions of them!?

    What power amps are people using/recommending for use (make&model / size (how many rack spaces in U) / price (in GBP) and neutrality: good/bad (if that's the correct word here - not colouring the tone....) oh and also stereo/mono optional and wattage!)?

    Thanks in advance

    (FLOOR) Kemper Remote w/ Mission exp + EB VP
    (RACK) Kemper PowerRack