FW 4.0 beta experiences thread.

  • I upgraded to the 4.02 beta without issue. Didn't seem to take too long but I was multi-tasking getting some IR's ready to convert via cab maker. Hooked up my Moog EP-3 as the Morph Pedal, calibrated and took a spin through all the morph rigs. Definitely a lot of fun and I can see some fun potential but not sure they will play a predominate set up in my roster - only time will tell I guess.

  • When they take them to release level, play every day. No problems

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • Ok so I had some time to spend in using an external switch in controlling the looper. I can concur with what others have said and definitely a bug here. I can use my switch and set it up either plugged in to remote or directly to the kemper for just about any functions and it works perfectly. Set it up for looper and experience all sorts of strange behavior. This seems to be most prevalent connected to remote but still occurs when direct to kemper. I have set the switch up correctly and calibrated. Though until the looper volume gets fixed I find the looper unusable anyway. This is probably the only thing I've been unhappy with in kemperland

  • I played an informal private outdoor music festival this weekend using 4.02 beta. Fooled around with a couple of morphing profiles with an impromptu jam session but stuck with my normal rigs/performances for our main show. Absolutely no problems to report.

  • my experiences with fw 4.02

    no Problem to update to fw 4.02

    what i noticed are 3 Points, maybe someone has the same experience
    there´s a definitive Change in the Sound
    Point 1: i´ll have to set the noise gate now to 3 or 4 with Les Paul and Strat (FW 3.3.0 Noisegate works at 2.2 ) different Locations, different cables, same profiles, same guitars and same Hardware
    there´s a Background noise when strumming the guitar, and no my house is new and good shielded.

    Point 2: clean profiles tendend to Sound a Little overdriven, it´s strange it´s like the clean sense is set to high but my clean and Distorsion sense are same as fw 3.3.0, each set to Zero 0

    Point 3: the General Sound changes to more treble and less bass. i made no Change to the eq in stack or Output section. Cab Option in System menu set to off
    do i have to set all profiles with eq again or in Output section?

    the morphfeature works well

    Does anybody has the same experience? please reply

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • I haven't encountered that. Please be aware though that Pure Cab is engaged by default on 4.0.2
    Please check your output settings and report back!

  • thx sambrox for fast reply, in fw 3.3.0 i don´t use pure cab.
    now in fw 4.0.2 is the Default Setting 3 or ? i read and read the Manual (pure cab) and could not understand the sense behind. please help
    does the pure cab affect to the high frequenties or the distorsiongrad?

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • Yes, it does affect the high frequencies, though I'm not sure about the distortion characteristics. Pure Cab seems to reduce any phase issues a profile might have which inherently changes the sound somewhat, which might be what you're hearing. Or not, haha! It's difficult to say without before and after clips. Maybe you could downgrade to 3.3.0, record a quick noodle, upgrade again, then record a similar noodle...?

  • Point 2: clean profiles tendend to Sound a Little overdriven, it´s strange it´s like the clean sense is set to high but my clean and Distorsion sense are same as fw 3.3.0, each set to Zero 0

    For this I have read here that adjustment of the height (distance to strings) of the PU's can help. Special for Single coil.
    I face a similar issue, but I decrease the gain of every gained RIG because I like the sound of the really clean Rigs more with a the smaller distance.
    You can set clean sense also to minus . (I use - 1 for my Strat). Reducing the definition in the amp section also can help.
    Try and error as loud as possible is a good way to find a convinient sound.
    The guitar has a big influence. The KPA give the guitar the chance to show it's potential. But make it not better. ;)

  • For this I have read here that adjustment of the height (distance to strings) of the PU's can help. Special for Single coil.
    I face a similar issue, but I decrease the gain of every gained RIG because I like the sound of the clean Rigs more with a the smaller distance. (Reducing the definition in the amp section also can help)
    Try and error as loud as possible is a good way to find a convinient sound.
    The guitar has a big influence. The KPA give the guitar the chance to show it's potential. But make it not better. ;)

    Sharry, instead of adjusting each individual Rig, just use Distortion Sense set to a minus value :)

  • Morphing has made it into the keyboard world! The Yamaha Montage is now on sale in the US (shipping in July) which has a morph knob that takes it through multiple morph stages, not just a heel to toe thing! It sounds amazing too! (check out Josh Phillips YouTube demos on this).

    Just thought some might find this interesting. This is not a 'beta' release thing, it's a full production, $4K synth workstation.

    Wish ours was the full release thing already...

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I've noticed the following: big lag in switching when using the up and down "bank" in performance mode. It's like hit up switch then 2,3,4 then next rig appears when rehearsing and switching say from bank 45 and need to go up to bank 50 big lag. Prior it seemed very simultaneous. Anyone else see this?

  • thanks for prompt reply and suggestions, will try to lower the clean sense Setting, and will try to figure out the pure cab Option.
    i´ll give a report if it works ;)

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett