• Hey Everyone! :)

    I know that some of you follow me on YouTube and perhaps you have seen this already. I just thought I would share with you my new episode & performance of 'Hysteria' by Muse, all the guitar tones were created using the Kemper. This is from the second episode in a series called 'GET THAT TONE!' which is designed to help YOU GUYS achieve the guitar tones from some of your favourite records, as suggested by you. A lot of research went into this episode, looking at the album and live rigs muse used in 2003. If you haven't already check out the first episode on The Police - Message In A Bottle below this. There is also an explanation about bonus video content via Patreon, for those that wish to support me for perks!

    Let me know what you think, did I nail the tone? If you like what you see/hear, hit the subscribe button to stay up-to-date with the series and all my other Kemper related content, including tutorial tips and bass demonstrations.


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    Some subscribers are now choosing to help support me by pledging $4 per episode and so they receive access to a range of preproduction and behind-the-scenes videos, going to investigate about all of the parameters on the and so they receive access to a range of pre production and behind-the-scenes videos, that go into in depth detail about all of the parameters on Kemper, EQ and production techniques and more!

    Take it easy guys!

  • Thanks for sharing again, Ben!

    Insufficient bandwidth to provide any feedback right now. X/

    Haha, you legend mate. Not a problem as always. Great to hear from you buddy, hope the garden hedge turned out alright after we last spoke in November!

  • LOL You bloody legend mate. The borrowed trimmer's still on the kitchen table and it's still imminent! Health challenges and very-tough job, that hedge. The dude's keen to pick the unit up too, so the pressure's really on now to find early-morning windows before the intense heat kicks in!

    OK, ClipGrab's finally finished the job. Dang, having never heard Muse (seriously, but obviously I know about them), I was hoping there'd be an A/B thing going on somewhere. Makes sense that you didn't do it this way 'though, 'cause anyone seeking a band's / song's sound would obviously already know what it sounds like. Duh! Silly me. :huh:

    Oh well, hope you're well bud, and keep up the good work eh? :thumbup:

  • Great Job, I think you pretty much nailed it.

    Thanks dude! Took a lot of research haha but all good fun!

  • Good job.

    I'm always impressed when I see folks with such a light touch and getting good tone from it.

    I hold my neck like it's trying to escape and I have to hang on to it with all my strength.

    Maybe a big neck with big strings and a high action have something to do with that, but sometimes I'd just love to relax my hand the way you obviously can do.

  • Thanks for the kind words man!

    I use gauge 9 strings and have always tried to train myself to have great control with as little effort as possible. Particularly once I started working and playing much longer 2 hour concerts, using thicker strings and hammering away too hard always fatigued me. It takes quite a lot to train yourself to do it and in fact even more patience to do so. It's a little bit like volume and dynamics in the sense that if you are always at the top of where you can be, you've got no where to go. I enjoy having a light controlled effect because there's always plenty of room for me to dig in and take things to the next level!

    Hope that helps man!

  • Hope that helps man!

    Thanks, yeah...wish it had been 40 years ago, now anything less than 11s or 12s go out of tune in my grip of steel!
    Again, good job, it takes real skill to play that lightly.

    Although I do remember when I started out, using 8's on my '64 SG. Life was so much simpler then.

  • I just watched again. Really nicely done

    Thanks buddy. Welcome to the family!

  • Awesome job! I'm a huge obsessed Muse fanboi, Origin and Absolution are classics to me. You crushed it. I personally like their crazier, raw live sounds with heavy doses of Fuzz Factory and Kaos Pads (I have the Ibanez RG KP guitar as a much cheaper option to a full blown Manson), but you nailed the studio tone. The bass tone is almost more impressive, just the right amount of grit. I would totally jam out some New Born or Hyper Music with you.