How to preview different cabs in a performance rig with RM Editor

  • I'm trying to find what is the recommended workflow to test different Cabs for a rig in performance mode using RM editor.

    1) I get I can change the cab loading a preset if it exists on the Profiler itself. However this is not ideal if I don't have the preset, and I want to use the cab from another rig in the local RM library. I will have to go over the Local RM library first, create the presets in Profiler (and as such "pollute" the Profiler with unnecessary presets) and then test.

    2) I have seen people suggesting to lock all but cab and load the rig whose cabinet I want to test. However, in this case, isn't also the "Rig" section modified (i. e. Morph time, Rig volume, etc)?

  • Currently WAY easier to do it on the unit with the cab section focused and the browse knob.

    Yes but again this will require me passing the necessary Rigs from the RM Local Library to the Profiler itself first, which is less than ideal.

    I think the ideal would be to be able to drag and drop the rig in the Cab section. Maybe I should make this a feature request.

  • This seems to sound a bit over complicated.

    Make a folder on the All Presets\Local Library section of RM. Maybe name it Cabs or My Cabs, etc. (You can also make sub-folders if you'd rather organize further).

    Now from any rig you select, you can just drag it's CAB into one of your folders or sub-folders to create a library of cabs you like. You can rename them after copying if helpful. To use them just do the opposite. Open any rig in Browser or Performance and double click any of your saved Cab presets to change to that cabinet. This way you can easily preview any number of saved cabinets with a simple double click. Save when you find one you like.

  • This approach is great for when you have already built a local library with cabs you like. The problem is, how do you build this library? You need to test multiple cabs easily over something you already know (i. e., a known performance rig where the only thing that changes is the cab).

  • Building the library should be very easy and very quick. All you are doing is dragging the cab from rigs you already like since the cab is the primary part of what you're hearing. Of course, how large a library you decide to build is your choice. I have many cabs, but actually quite a small set that I find myself reusing. Not really surprising. I find that cabs I like will still sound fine in almost any rig. Or maybe better said that with a cabinet I know I like, it will make just about any profile sound fine. So, it's just fine tuning to pick the best one for any circumstance.

    And then if I run across a new cab that seems better still, it's very easy to try it out by locking the cab and loading up any rigs I think it might improve.

    If you also use IR's you can just add copy them in bulk, then just trim to only those that you really care for.

    So building a library should be both very simple and very quick. Then you can begin your testing various cabs from that library

  • 2) I have seen people suggesting to lock all but cab and load the rig whose cabinet I want to test. However, in this case, isn't also the "Rig" section modified (i. e. Morph time, Rig volume, etc)?

    This is the method I would use.

    I haven’t tested it properly but I don’t think Morph etc get changed if you have Lock All enabled.

  • I highlight the amp slot I want and then scroll up double click the one I want to audition. I lock everything else if I dont want any changes to the FX.

    The performance editor could really use an overhaul. I cant tell you how many times I have screwed up when trying to make a performance.