Kemper Stage Monitor Volume Issue

  • This answers a question that I had. I was running my monitor out at -7.0 db with my Kemper Kab. Occasionally, it would just change on me and get quieter and I had no idea why. Then I'd go into the Kemper and see the volume got dropped back further. Now I know it's an algorithm thing.

    Related, if you turn the Kemper Kone off, then I assume you can set to 0 (if you want) for full throughput? The use case, in that instance, is running into my Fryette Power Station Line In for an amp/cab approach. That's a 50W tube amp. I don't need the full 50w honestly, but if I did want to take advantage of that, seems like I need to set my monitor output closer to 0.0...assuming it will let me keep it there with the Kab unchecked?

  • The wattage protection algorithm only kicks in, while KEMPER Kone Mode is enabled.

    Make sure to fully crank up the pot at the KEMPER Power Kabinet in order to avoid, that the protection kicks in too early.

    One thing I discovered today that's a slight bummer...the monitor output level doesn't save by Output preset. I'm using the Kemper in one of two ways in terms of the monitor output. Option 1 (vast majority of the time) = a Kemper Kab where I have the Kemper Kab checked and the monitor output level at -8.0db. Option 2 is where I'm connecting to a Fryette Power Station and 2x12 guitar cabinet. In that case, I want Kemper Kab unchecked (which does save in the output preset I set up) and the monitor output level at -4.0db. If I forget this on the back and forth (almost assured), it's not a huge issue though. Just kills some of my headroom/output on the Fryette.

    Ideally, it would be cool if you could drop all the output settings into the performance and have that change when you select a particular performance, but I did read another thread on this and understand that's not doable in this generation of design since the output settings sit at a global level.

  • One thing I discovered today that's a slight bummer...the monitor output level doesn't save by Output preset. I'm using the Kemper in one of two ways in terms of the monitor output. Option 1 (vast majority of the time) = a Kemper Kab where I have the Kemper Kab checked and the monitor output level at -8.0db. Option 2 is where I'm connecting to a Fryette Power Station and 2x12 guitar cabinet. In that case, I want Kemper Kab unchecked (which does save in the output preset I set up) and the monitor output level at -4.0db. If I forget this on the back and forth (almost assured), it's not a huge issue though. Just kills some of my headroom/output on the Fryette.

    Ideally, it would be cool if you could drop all the output settings into the performance and have that change when you select a particular performance, but I did read another thread on this and understand that's not doable in this generation of design since the output settings sit at a global level.

    Absolutely, not saving the output volumes pretty much renders presets useless for me.

  • Don't know about Wheresthedug but I morph my rig volume for my lead boosts so that wouldn't be a good spot to account for output volume differences in terms of connected devices...for me. Also, I don't think Rig volumes store in Output Presets, do they? I could be wrong.

    But it saves per Rig/Performance, opposite to the Monitor out one that is only global

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • But it saves per Rig/Performance, opposite to the Monitor out one that is only global

    Yes...right. I guess it's a matter of where do you want to account for volume boost on a solo? If I was using a boost or EQ post amp to push the volume (not the gain if in front), then I could morph that and leave rig volume to account for the two different device output scenarios. Right now though, I'm using a post amp/cab bloick EQ just for a subtle push vs. a full lead with some push on the front end too. I'm doing that type of lead by morphing in a TS style up front and moving the volume up with rig volume.