How do I edit the details of a new profile?

  • I finally created my first profile today... but the unit used all of the information from the previous profile I had loaded? This is a bit goofy. How do I now edit that information? It seems I can only edit the name of the profile. The cab, the previous author, etc. are all still in there. I am really hoping I'm not supposed to do all of that on the unit itself?


  • The unit uses the information of the reference profile to pre populate fields to help speed up the process. If you use a similar profile as the reference then most of the fields are already filled in for you and you only need to change the ones that are different. This was particularly useful in the old days before RM as you had to fill in data with the knobs on the front of the profiler.

    You can change any of the fields in RM when you have made your new profile. However, you can’t change data for factory content info so make sure you don't have a factory rig loaded as the reference rig. You can save a factory rig in Local Library and it will duplicate the rig but with data fields which you can then edit.

  • I use RM also to edit. The knob on the profiler takes forever -- like doing a search on Roku. But editing is not always straight-forward in RM. Sometimes I edit, hit enter to save, and then go to a new profile and come back to see the edit didn't save. In that case, I would add an effect then remove it and then "Replace Rig" to get my edits to save. PIA.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • The unit uses the information of the reference profile to pre populate fields to help speed up the process. If you use a similar profile as the reference then most of the fields are already filled in for you and you only need to change the ones that are different. This was particularly useful in the old days before RM as you had to fill in data with the knobs on the front of the profiler.

    You can change any of the fields in RM when you have made your new profile. However, you can’t change data for factory content info so make sure you don't have a factory rig loaded as the reference rig. You can save a factory rig in Local Library and it will duplicate the rig but with data fields which you can then edit.

    I've always wondered what the purpose of loading a reference amp before profiling is. I've only profiled 3 amps so far and understanding the editing of the tags has been my biggest stumbling block. Rig Manager seems hinky about highlighting the block to be edited, sometimes I have to click multiple times, in just the right spot, to edit some blocks.

    Your post made me think I should be loading one of my profiles as the reference so that my name and other info is copied over and I won't have to keep editing certain blocks. Thanks for the tip.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"