Profiler Expression Pedal Questions

  • Hello,

    I have recently bought a player (haven't got it yet) and an EP1-KP, and a little bit confused and curious about some features, I have searched the forum for some answers and got more confused so here are my questions:

    1. Is it possible to use EP1-KP like this: volume as default and wah when I press the toe switch? (I found some thread about this I guess it is possible) Also if possible, do I need to assign both Wah and Volume pedals to FX slots?

    2. Can I use a dual momentary footswitch (profiler switch 2-way for example) with EP1, there is an input on EP1 so is it possible something like connecting the dual switch to EP1 and then EP1 to the player, use EP1 for both volume and wah and dual switch to navigate between rigs and switches on kemper to turn on and off FXs

    3. If question 2 is not possible, what is the purpose of input ok EP1?


  • 1. Is it possible to use EP1-KP like this: volume as default and wah when I press the toe switch? (I found some thread about this I guess it is possible) Also if possible, do I need to assign both Wah and Volume pedals to FX slots?


    The Player only has one Pedal Input. The EP1 needs two inputs to work as you describe. You need to connect a TRS cable (stereo cable) to the Exp Out of the EP1 into the Pedal Input of the Player. This will allow you control volume or wah with the pedal. The toeswitch needs a separate TS (regular instrument cable) from the second output to another pedal input to be able to use it. This is fine on the bigger profilers as they have multiple pedal inputs but not the Player.

    For the second part of the question, you need to load the wah Fx into an effect block but the volume is a stand alone tool that doesn’t need to be loaded in an effect block.

    2. Can I use a dual momentary footswitch (profiler switch 2-way for example) with EP1, there is an input on EP1 so is it possible something like connecting the dual switch to EP1 and then EP1 to the player, use EP1 for both volume and wah and dual switch to navigate between rigs and switches on kemper to turn on and off FXs

    No. The second connection on the EP isn’t an input. It’s a second output for the toe switch function.

    3. If question 2 is not possible, what is the purpose of input ok EP1?


    See answers to 1 and 2 above.

  • Thank you for your answer, I think even with future updates (probably paid ones) what I asked won't be possible,

    So to be sure, to achieve what I want I will connect KP1 with a TRS cable and assign one of the onboard switch pedals to a wah. in this condition is it possible to use KP1 as a volume pedal when wah is off automatically?

  • Yes, it is possible to configure the KP1 as a volume pedal when the wah effect is inactive.

    Page 70 of the Player manual:

    Connecting an Expression Pedal

    The PROFILER Player features an input for the direct connection of an expression pedal. This can be configured in System Settings available in Rig Manager.

    The Pedal Input is already preassigned as a combined Wah, and Volume Pedal. This is achieved by assigning the Wah Pedal function and activating “WahPedal >Volume”.

    If you stick to these default assignments, you just need to plug in the TRS-cable – firstly into the pedal, then into the Player. Afterwards, you should perform a full sweep of the pedal to perform an automatic calibration.

    The two functions “Wah Pedal” and “Volume Pedal” are mutually exclusive. As soon as a Wah effect is active, the

    Wah Pedal controls this effect, while volume stays flat. As soon as there is no Wah effect in the current Rig, or if the Wah effect is switched off, the Wah Pedal defaults to controlling volume.