Trying to find a solution to stereo and effects loop

  • There is something I do in the studio that I wish the Kemper did. I want to slightly (< 30 milliseconds) delay on only ONE side of the kemper.

    I have a pedal that will do it (keeley 30 MS double tracker) But if I use it in the effects loop, I cannot use the monitor output to go to my stereo Kemper Kabinets (using a powered head and a freyette power station for the other side) this way I can have the kemper cabinet eq on these Kones. That has to be in the monitor out section. I send direct to FOH from the xlrs.

    unfortunately my Pink Floyd tribute band (Atom Heart Mother) doesn't use in ears, and I need to play live onstage.

    does anybody have a suggestion for my dilemma?

    Here is a video for fun...

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  • While kemper recommends to not use the delay widener in mono, if you do you can get sounds that mimic that "'not produced' sound that metallica uses on some of the garage days stone cold crazy phasey stuff where it sounds like you're playing in a shower stall.