Which features would you like to be added next?

  • Definitely even to stay with the other manufacturers ....Multi Fx controlled by ONE Expression pedal via MIDI or plug on the back , choices to assighn MAX/MIN values of the FX's controlled via Expression pedal like the other processors have been able to do for past years ....my Eleven Rack does that , POD HD, Axe Fx ALL have these abilities .....even the cheap RP units .


    Please add "Expression pedal assignable to any parameter on a rig-by-rig basis" to the list of feature requests.

  • Weak Multi Fx and no expression pedal ability to control Multi Fx is a reason I still use Eleven Rack live with great success .....I wish I could use Kemper but the missing link really shows up when playing live and need to control certain effect parameters in continuous matter but CANT with this expensive piece or rig ;( .......kind of disappointed and annoyed at the same time lol>.....my fault I didnt research that before I bought it ......I assumed wrong this was a GIVEN technology for this calliper gear .....mehhhh......I would wait until this becomes available in KEMPER before throwing 2K at it ......

  • Weak Multi Fx and no expression pedal ability to control Multi Fx is a reason I still use Eleven Rack live with great success .....I wish I could use Kemper but the missing link really shows up when playing live and need to control certain effect parameters in continuous matter but CANT with this expensive piece or rig ;( .......kind of disappointed and annoyed at the same time lol>.....my fault I didnt research that before I bought it ......I assumed wrong this was a GIVEN technology for this calliper gear .....mehhhh......I would wait until this becomes available in KEMPER before throwing 2K at it ......

    This is why I think a Kemper for real amp tones and a new Line 6 Helix is likely the go for footswitch, midi control and additional effects. Also the Kemper footswitch blows and is mega top dollar! Yeah it would be great it the Kemper effects rocked & it had pro midi implimentation but if you bank on it being updated properly soon you may be in never never land where you never never land for quite a few years! One needs to go with what is actually working right now!

  • This is why I think a Kemper for real amp tones and a new Line 6 Helix is likely the go for footswitch, midi control and additional effects. Also the Kemper footswitch blows and is mega top dollar! Yeah it would be great it the Kemper effects rocked & it had pro midi implimentation but if you bank on it being updated properly soon you may be in never never land where you never never land for quite a few years! One needs to go with what is actually working right now!

    I still think Line 6 Helix is way overpriced for what it does/is ........maybe Axe Fx II would be a better way .....its got all the functionality and MIDI implementation with a killer tones and STAND ALONE AUDITOR that KEMPER doesn't:(......ahhh just being negative I guess lol

  • For me a separate Delay Stomp would be the most valuable feature to add. In second place would be expression pedal control of gain, delay, and rotary speed (which should NOT be merely limited to slow/fast imho). The other features on the voting panel aren't so important in my situation.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I still think Line 6 Helix is way overpriced for what it does/is

    I take it you've played it then? Because forming any opinion on 2-3 videos and a couple of sound clips wouldn't be enough, right?

    I'll reserve judgement until it's been out for a while and I've had a chance to play it. Otherwise I'd just be guessing.

  • +1
    all the various fx parameters and controls (on/off) should be assignable on a rig per rig basis and simultaneously to ONE expression pedal.

    I used to have in one of my previous rigs (maybe boss stuff) a basic rythm sound and it was really great to be able to add gain and various FXs in amount controlled by the pedal...so different part of solos had different amount of FXs...and all this without patch change, nice and smooth :)

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  • I love this kemper,,
    but I really could use some diff overdrives I always had at least thee overdrive/ distortions,, on my board,and two delays,,I play in a cover band and go from Pink to Metalica,,
    PLEASE,,,,,a Timmy, I need a Timmy !!!!!,,,, Fulltone. MXR green,,,, I miss my ,,Klon,,, old and the new red one,,etc,,,,diff levels of drive,,cant be that hard to do???????
    If I put my pedals in front of it, then I am back to hauling around more stuff, I bought the kemper / pedal,,, to make things lighter and smaller,,
    Thanks for a great tool,,I love this box,,,but I need more pedal options,

  • I still think Line 6 Helix is way overpriced for what it does/is ........maybe Axe Fx II would be a better way .....its got all the functionality and MIDI implementation with a killer tones and STAND ALONE AUDITOR that KEMPER doesn't:(......ahhh just being negative I guess lol

    Hi Krystof I think you misunderstood me. I believe the Kemper by far has the most genuine tube amp sounds covered I am just looking for the best Midi footswitching system and controller. Some additional effects would be a bonus. The Axe footswitch kinda blows so that's not the answer. The RJM high end controllers are great but they are a similar price to the Helix! Also once the Helix is in full production and pre orders are filled there is a good chance one may be able to get it for USD $1200 or so on the hush.

  • At the risk of being redundant, preset editing without having to Save As, is highly desirable to me. This includes being able to edit an existing individual Stomp, Effect or section preset.

    Example, I have a stomp preset that includes an overdrive, chorus, phaser and compressor. The phaser is a customized phaser I saved out. I go in an tweak that phaser, and save it. It does save as a new phaser, it updates the existing phaser and also the phaser that is included in the stomp preset.

  • The more I play around with the Kemper, the more that, while I'd love additional delays in additional slots, I think my biggest problems are:

    1. Delays and Reverbs should be able to function like other mod slots. I don't really care if it's labeled "Delay" and it doesn't have a delay. I'd love to have a stereo loop into a compressor, EQ, and, possibly use a reverb at the end.
    2. I would love for FX loops to be assigned within the rig's settings, and to not occupy a stomp/mod position. Honestly, if I could specify, in the rig settings on a new rig page, Loop Position: [Before/After Stomp A-D, Amp, X, Mod, Delay, Reverb], Loop Type: [Mono, Distortion, Stereo], I'd be much happier than having it occupy a block. Additionally, by doing it this way, this could also become a global setting (lockable) or a per-rig setting without having to worry about "well, I'm using X on this rig, but Mod on this one, and if I lock this effect, I have to unlock, edit this other rig, go back, and re-lock."
    3. Additional delay and reverb types. I don't personally need anything too crazy, but I would like to have some tape/echohead-style delays and the ever ominous Spring reverb. Plus, allow for wider ranges of delay times and reverb decay.
    4. A desktop editor. I honestly get pissed off every time I have to tweak something. I've actually considered selling the Kemper for this very reason. I can configure my Strymon patches via a desktop editor. I can configure my MIDI controller via a desktop editor. All I can do with Rig Manager is copy rigs back and forth. Performance editing will be a huge step in the right direction, but real-time communication to edit every parameter via an external editor would give the Kemper so much more usability, at least for those that are always around a computer.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • I have said it before.. for me the Kemper hav bin more complete with a desent dely and reverb, as i find in Line6, Eventide and T.C. electronics. and it should be able to place in stomps, so you can vary in same preset.
    It have bin cool if the mastervolume had bin just like a tube amp. but understand its very difficult to recreate with so many types of amps..