Can I orgnaize by folders?

  • Is there a way I can organize my profiles by putting them in different folders i.e: Recto folder, Vox folder. Then do a search on the kemper by folders names?

    Also how many presets will the Kemper hold?

  • you can arrange/view rigs in a few different ways:

    - by name (the default)
    - by author
    - by date
    - by amp
    - by gain (<- this is very cool)

    some users reported having upwards of 1000 rigs on their Profiler - if that is sensible is another question ;)

  • What part of the text information is the Amp folder sorted on? Is it the "Amp Name" part of the tag on a rig? Or is it the "Source Amp" or "Amp Model" part?

    I've noticed it doesn't sort, say, all my VOX together, probably because the text in some such text box doesn't match and I wanted to COPY/PASTE and make them match.

    (which is why I'd like an editor, because profile creators don't use the same protocol for naming things, although that does, I suppose, create a new job for someone! ;)

  • Quote

    which is why I'd like an editor, because profile creators don't use the same protocol for naming things, although that does, I suppose, create a new job for someone!

    I would love a editor like Axe-Fx do tweak names and such on my computer. I am new and still working my way around the Kemper.


    What part of the text information is the Amp folder sorted on? Is it the "Amp Name" part of the tag on a rig? Or is it the "Source Amp" or "Amp Model" part?

    IDK what this means? ?(

    Are you saying I can tag every profile? (How do you tag?) So if I lok for Recto it will pull up all rectos? Can I add tags to each profile? I would like to place each amp profile by whoever into an easily accessible way to find.

  • You can upload a rig onto the rig exchange (to be public or just private) and it gives you the choice to enter in all the text information.

    That would be tedious for many rigs, but it does show you all that is available and it can all be edited on the Kemper directly, it's just more work because there isn't a keyboard involved.

    But if you get the Amp name right, I'm sure it can be copied then pasted.

    Q: What I am asking is WHICH FIELD does the "Sort by Amp" use? (I'm asking others, keano12)

    If I knew that, I could make the many instances of say a Marshall 800 the same as everyone may use slightly differing text and it won't all sort that amp to one location.

  • Oh do you know how many profiles one can have on their Kemper?

    I think I saw someone here having over 3000 profiles loaded.
    I think it's smarter to have a few different usb sticks handy for unloading/loading new profiles when not near a computer, than having that insane huge amount loaded at the same time.

  • Sweet, thanks DonP.

    As to rigs, if you do go post 1000, keep a dummy backup of less than 1000 rigs so when you upgrade the firmware you are doing so with less than 1000.

    Then after the upgrade, reload your 3000 rigs (if it can hold that, not tried, nor do I want to)

    Work on paring down to essentials. Do you need 11 profiles of every amp? Pare down to 2 or 3 at most. If and when you DO use an amp to record, just go back an reload the other 8 for the variety you want.

    Rig Management is a useful topic to contemplate. I like Metal rigs, but I am probably not going to write metal songs but once ever few years. So I keep a few in my rig for the occasional practice or song, but the other 100 Metal rigs I keep on my computer as a backup to re-load when I do record such a song.

  • How do i manage my rigs. I have to many too and just want to have the good ones / useful ones on it. Should i back up everything on a usb stick delet all kemper amps and then delete all amps i dont need on my usb stick - import?

  • How do i manage my rigs. I have to many too and just want to have the good ones / useful ones on it. Should i back up everything on a usb stick delet all kemper amps and then delete all amps i dont need on my usb stick - import?

    You can also export what you want to keep, then back up, then delete, then er- import.
    There are so many way to manage rigs.
    And one is as good as the other.
    It's all about preferences.

  • Some people have them backed up, delete all, then reimport say 20 at a time and review them.

    Deleting ones you think you won't need soon, and pressing RIG to put really good ones in your Favourites folder.

    It helps to do it in batches. Especially with the Import loading times.

  • I've been thinking about "folders" as well, but in the end I felt this would be to fixed in many ways.

    Instead I would prefer to have two custom use tag fields which I could use to e.g. define my guitar preference in tag field 1 and my music style preference in tag field 2 of any given rig. Not sure if these custom use tag fields could contain more than one entry without killing the software developers at Kemper.

    Basically I would like to suggest not to use some physical storage structure like folders in the file system, but instead make use of the potential strengths of meta tags. Makes it way more flexible for us individuals ... as long as rig providers like Andy and Armin etc. leave these tags empty.

    Any thoughts?

    PS: These tag fields should be used to filter/select rigs on the KPA with appropriate menu design, of course.

  • Let's define TAG as being all the naming information stored with a Rig, and TAG LINE being one of the lines of input info (ie "Comment" or "Author" or "Amp" or "Amp Model")
    Adding a new FOLDER should not be difficult programming. It's perhaps a new table in the database, or a new column on a FOLDER table in the db with some additional trigger code for a button for functionality (like the RIG does to add to Favourites) So you could have a Folder called "User 01" and the trigger could be Pressing and Holding another button. Or better, the RIG button when held could bring up a list of FOLDERS to assign to, scrollable by the TYPE or BROWSE knob. Programming would take less than an hour.

    Adding a new Sort by TAG LINE should be even easier to program (assuming we reuse an existing TAG LINE, not create a new one) In the are that codes the sort menu, add one more sort item for that Tag Line (say the COMMENT line) that has a newly written SQL-like query that returns the entire database sorted via COMMENTS. It would take a programmer 5 minutes. Probably less. You're just reusing already written code and changing one variable in it.

    I'd have a contest among the programmers: How many seconds does it take you to add this functionality. Winner gets to go to NAMM with me next year!!