Posts by Jcaster

    Who bought their Profiler at an "analog" store?
    Or who tried to do so?
    How was your experience?

    My first experience was at store,i really liked how it sounded.
    The problem was the price ,because at that store the owner was selling the kemper with a considerable higher price tag than in Thomann(kinda greedy).

    Needless to say i didn't bought mine there.Still it's a store full of "analog stuff" really well known for it's boutique amps/pedals etc,and people who were listening to the kemper on that day were really impressed by it.

    It's a real winner,but you probably know that ;)

    I really love your profiles but one thing I notice is some sound a little "out of phase" (to my ears at least)
    I saw on the youtube video that you use a mixer with a few mics, do you use the reverse phase/invert switch at all? (assuming the mixer has one)

    thanks for sharing, your profiles are some of my favorite!

    A lot of profiles sound like that,it must something that it's done on the process of profiling...

    It's a 20€ pack with three amps, are you serious? This board baffles me more and more every day.

    Did i said something wrong?I didn't ask to give it for free,im willing to pay but personally im only interested in only one amp.I know the amps very well as i played with all of them before so im sure that im only interested in one of those profiles.i would never touch the other two as im not a particular fan of their sound,but im sure they are great profiles for someone who digs those amps.

    So yeah in my case paying 20 euros for just one profile it's too much.

    I didn't said i wanted for free,i didn't said nobody should buy the pack.I made a simple suggestion,and it seems the only one who was offended by my comment was you(because it seems your some kind of authority when it comes to other peoples wallets...).

    Did you install the chip in the right direction? cant go by the label... need to set the notch end.

    I think so,it's in the same direction that the original chip was.
    And like i said the original chip worked the first time,and worked again after i putted in again.

    With the uno chip there's not even a reaction on the screen of the pedalboard when powered up.It's all black.

    I installed it yesterday but i didn't had success :(

    While i only have one midi cable i read in the manual you can still use it like that although it won't have all options fully working.But unfortunately it doesn't work even that way :( (i did try the instructions on the
    manual to press 1+7 when powering up).

    I thought i screwed up on the installation but i opened the pedal board again and replaced the uno chip for the original one,and the thing worked properly(the kemper immediately recognized it).

    I took off the original chip and put the uno chip again on the pedalboard and still it didn't work,maybe a bad uno chip?Any tips?

    Got the FCB today,im going to install the chip tonight.

    Unfortunately i have only one midi cable at present time,still i got a great deal on a used FCB+midi cable +bag(half the price of what thomann asks for the same combo)so i can't complain too much.

    I don't want to offend you or anything,but did you check if you had the option "all rigs" selected?Sometimes mistakes like that may happen(to me stuff like that happens all time,sometimes my brain goes on vacations ahahah).

    Anyway it's always good to make frequent backups,and always have the the usb pen backup with you(specially if your playing live).

    You need two for a full operation,otherwise some functions won't work(i guess it has something to do with the two way communication).If you see the faq and manual it's all explained there.
    Im also a bit bummed about it,after all it's really three cables you have to plug(it also needs the power cord).

    But the pedalboard is cheap,and if you buy used it's even cheaper.

    Im using this one until the oficial one from kemper is released(then maybe il keep it as a backup).

    I think you shouldnt do nothing on kemper . Just be sure to settle the monitors in good angle to your ears. 60 Degrees angled . Your head should be a Triangle equilatero vertice with the monitors .

    p.s. fico contente por ter conterraneos a usar o kemper , hehe . Tentei enviar-te mensagem , mas no forum deves isso bloqueado . manda mensagem privada e abre essa possibilidade para poder enviar-te tambem . Cumprimentos


    It's strange my pm's aren't working,il have to see what's happening.

    Im hijacking this thread to make some questions.

    I got yesterday my first pair of decent studio monitors(Tannoy reveal).Im needing some tips now,do you guys make any setup adjustments to the kemper when you use it trough monitors?Anything i should know to improve the sound?

    That's really unfortunate.

    I also have a kemper i bought from Thomann( i actually received a pair of tannoy monitors yesterday from them,everything was fine),and i had to send it for repair because of a bad LCD.
    They were quiet swift in the repair and everything arrived fine.

    I had a trouble with a tube amp once,they traded the amp two times and every time time it arrived it had a problem(they refunded me and no harm was done).

    But i guess sometimes accidents happen,being the largest European music shop i bet they handle a lot of stuff daily(not that shoud be an excuse).One time i bought a pedaltrain from them and when i got the order they send it by mistake three pedalboards(while i paid for only one).

    I contact them and alert them that they made a mistake.i was kinda worried some worker there might got in trouble for this,after all accidents happen at work to everyone.
    They thanked me a lot and praised my honesty and gave me a generous discount for the next time i would buy something from them.

    Iv'e have been an actively costumer of them for the last 5 years or so,i don't a bad word to say about them(the minimum price for free shipping could be a bit lower...) .The prices are ok compared to the music stores here in my country,and they deliver stuff pretty quickly.