Posts by Kulle_Wumpenteich

    I definetly can't fix the problems of the Morley. LED-Lights are in function. But the output ist to low. With Kemper I can hear a minimum. Clean sound instead drive. With mixer nothing to hear.
    In the similar way the Luxor. There seems to be a power problem, too.
    Here was a guy who offers help with this problems. But I can't find his post anymore. Was it in another thread?
    Can somebody remember and find it? Maybe he can help uns. 8)

    That's fine mate! :thumbup:

    You are mostly right but in one point you're wrong I think so.
    It seems you think it was a mistake of you to talk about that. I'm not agree with this thinking brother! In my point of view you where courageous to show problems. Thats the other side of us Germans (mostly) if people courageous to handle unpleasant things and are willing to offer their face and head. You did that. That's honorable. :thumbup:
    I think its better to talk about unlucky things than to lug around for weeks. So we can solve it. That's better! Therefore you were right!
    Finally, we all are musicians that means we are mostly sensitive people, because otherwise we couldn't make music. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense not to allow any ulterior motives.
    For that reason I think you were right and not false.
    However, we all should take the others into a thoughtfulness. Because the biggest problem in the Internet is the misunderstanding, you can't see the eyes of the otherones.
    Therefore, it is not always easy to take a thoughtfulness and at the same time to be very clear to clarify the situation. This with sensitive people ... You understand what I mean certainly ... ^^
    This is a balancing act. For all of us. The biggest hurdle in the internet. ;)
    Good that we could clarify that. Thanks Monkey.

    Wah Man seems to be from the late 90s and is the precursor of the Stagg Wah Man of today.


    Manual 4.4
    Peak 4.1
    Pedal Range +13%
    Peak Range -25%
    Pedal Mode on
    Mix 100%
    Ducking 0.0
    Volume 0.0

    The Ibanez WH-10 (IBZ Wh ten) of this moment seems to get the middle position of depth. This is the best position in my opinion. I agree with @waraba that we dont need no variant.
    The Luxor FuzzWah gets two problems in minimum. One with input or power and one with on/off knopp. :/
    The Morley shows with led-light that it is on. But no funktion. Maybe I can fix the problem tomorrow. :huh:

    Please more tear of chains! ^^
    Here are to much problems.

    I'm looking everytime for used MiJ-Guitars. If you want to sell your old MiJ to buy a new one:
    Go in touch with me if your vendor makes a price under 30% worth. Maybe I'm interested and we will find a sensefull price together that is better for both of us.
    Actually I prefer:

    Vintage brands:
    - Yamaha SG 1000 and higher of 70s and 80s. My biggest interests at this moment.
    - Tokai Love Rock LS 100 and higher of the 80s and 70s.
    - Greco EG 900, 1000 and higher of 70s and 80s. Requirement: Absolute no problems with veneer!
    - Navigator LP 280, 380... of the 80s.

    Newer brands:
    - History OSL-Hybrid, KTR LC-01, KTR LS-01 Metallic Blue, K&T KTR STD with NFS WEEP VS KTR LP
    - Crews Maniac Sound OSL, Crews Maniac Sound K&T KTR STD, Crews Maniac Sound KEY KTR LS-01
    - Momose ML1-STD/NJ
    - Bacchus Duke Standard and Duke Master. Perhaps Craft-Series BLS and BLC

    Higher models are possible, maybe... Everything depends on cash for it on my side at that moment. ;)
    My hint is not for the next weeks it's for the next months and years. Ask a few years later after this post. No problem!
    So it is possible that I have the money at that time. If not a try can't be a mistake.

    Cool down mates! Everything works. :*

    Our mysterious banana dealer was down for count of admin cause we made to much jokes. So he asks for response.

    I'm an admin in another forum, too. For that reason I can understand a moderated input from admins. In my opinion that makes sense, cause forums where the admins don't moderate often slide away from the way. I know forums of musicans, where are about 10 tribal chieftains. They can allow everything, bully others and that brings poison into the atmosphere at the end. For that reason it makes absolute sense and it's impotant if admins gives input generally!

    At second we have to understand that this is an moderated forum from a company. For that reason some borders are a bit closer - sometimes extra thin till sensitive like durex fun - cause a forum is everytime a figurehead too. We have to see this in this light.

    At last Kemper and me too we are Germans. Without discipline and order, we lose composure.Then our world view is in danger and we are approaching a deep depression! ^^
    If we do something, then accurat. Normally without compromise. :huh: ;)
    Watch the English in for comparison! Constructed outstanding roadsters! Wonderfull cars! Sexy. To fall in love! But the crappy gear were shit! 20.000 miles and then it was ruined. For Germans this is associated with physical pain! The Englishman continues until he is bankrupt. :/ :D
    These are culturell realities which we have to handle here. For that reason I prefer the old German saying or idiom:
    Don't eat so hot like it was cooking.
    Calm down and see it as a normal hint. Take it with a smile. Tomorrow the world looks quite differently. For sure. ;)

    But I have a wish to the admins:
    Is it possible to install an of topic underforum in the Privat thread with the hint not to discuss political themes for a better friendship? ^^
    Could be the solution for all these things.

    On topic but with smile!

    Tear the toilet chains brothers! So far it has been worth and is a big success:

    • I found today on my attic 4 vintage WahWahs! That's a big surprise!
    • I found one Morley Pro Series Volume (PVO) the red lettering one.
    • I found a Wah Man, that I didn't remenber! 70? 80s? 90? Somebody an idea?
    • I found a Ibanez WH10 late 80s, MiJ-Product!
    • I found the Luxor Wah-Fuzz of the early 70s! At this moment I have only an accu with ~5% power. But it seems that the fuzz-function will work... I hope the WaWah too.

    Now I load two accus for the WahWahs and then we will see the results. Till then: Tear your chains! It makes sense. This was proved once again today. ^^

    We are on topic. ;)

    After morning flushing I will have a look to two WahWahs on my attic. I hope for full function. Therefore it is important for you to pull the chain furthermore. ^^
    I hope I will find the early 70s FuzzWah. Someone here told that he can analyse the Problems if he see the inner technic. If this both will be possible (flush, flush, flush) then we get a real interesting vintage machine additionally. That would be great. I hope everyone flushing two times per day till we reach this result. ;)
    And after it we make a song named "just a chain-pull" with 3 different WahWahs and a new fuzz!
    And now: Go ahead! :D

    Vielleicht noch als Erfahrungsbericht. Neulich hab ich eine Band aufgenommen, das war so eine Classic Rock Geschichte. Dabei wollte ich unbedingt, dass die Gitarre auch eine Art von Amp Interaktion hat, also leichte Feedbacks und dieses "Aufsättigen" wenn man Akkorde lange stehen lässt. Ich hab also dem Gitarristen den Kemper auf die Yamaha gegeben und ihn dann zu einem Mix über PA Boxen spielen lassen. Das hat richtig Laune gemacht und die Interaktion von Amp und Gitarre war klasse. Das geht natürlich auch wenn man sich Kopfhörer für das Playback aufsetzt wenn einem das sonst zu laut ist. :)

    Das habe ich jetzt irgenwie nicht so ganz geschnallt mit der Interaktion. Was meinst Du da konkret? Kannst Du das noch mal mit anderen Worten erklären?

    Ach ist das nicht die aktive Box? Zu der kann ich allerdings überhaupt gar nichts sagen. Vermutlich der gleiche Speaker, aber was dann dabei rauskommt weiß ich nicht. Ich habe die aktiven Brühwürfel und die schmettern Dir im Zweifel die Kronjuwelen unten weg. Und ich habe den Kemper dabei auf 3-4 gehabt. Daher habe ich mir einen kleinen billigen 8-Kanalmixer dazu gegönnt, der noch mehr Feinjustierung erlaubt. Aber Transistor-Amps haben sowieso mehr Dampf und von daher würde ich eher sagen: Reicht mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit.
    Fahr doch dort einfach mal hin und teste die Geschichte. Ist ein Wochenendtrip mit Eisdiele oder so. ;)
    Sonst hätte ich Dir angeboten auch bei mir mal vorzuhorchen, weil halbe Strecke, da aber anderes System und kein Ü-Raum, wäre das Angebot eher sinnlos.
    Die Dinger sind aber sehr tacko für mein Gefühl. Eigentlich kann man nicht viel falsch machen.

    Cripes, Kulle, I had no idea I was that good! :D

    I agree with Kulle - this made my Sunday morning, what a riot you are MM! As to deserving 'zero credit' - hogwash, you charming chimp (an ape, not actually a monkey, btw :D ) - you constantly keep this whole forum in stitches and smiling ear to ear. You deserve all the kudos people heap on you... now get back to taste testing sounds damnit! :thumbup:

    In fact yesterday it turned to a really super nice day for my. I'm sure the reason has to be the water of Monkey toilet flush. Find no other explanation. Therefore pulling the chain often times @Monkey_Man ^^
    So the misery is passing and happiness will come often as a flood. Pull, pull, pull! ;)

    Wohl wahr. Mancher wird meinen Aufwand übertrieben finden. Mag sein. Aber ich genieße es einfach nach 40 Jahre Pressspan und Frequenzen zwischen 80 - 2.000 Hertz nah am Sound einer Post-Telefonmuschel, auch noch feinste Nuancen hören zu können, wenn ich das will. Auch wenn es teilweise sinnlos ist und ich eh nur ein Amateur bin.
    Es ist schon ein Unterschied zwischen einer Bombe Erdbeersekt und einem Veuve Clicquot Brut Nebukadnezar, selbst wenn er in einer Bierbar getrunken wird. ;)