Posts by V8guitar

    I recently saw a ToneJunkie video podcast where HW and Michael Britt were discussing the advantages of Kemper over Helix and Axe etc. One of things they mentioned was that the other solutions try to totally emulate the physical amps INCLUDING their shortfalls. One example given was that on a real amp the gain and volume are interdependent. Turning up the gain means you NEED to turn down the volume to retain the same level. The team at Kemper took a different approach and captured all the good bits but improved upon the shortfalls :love: In this example they made it possible to increase gain without needing to reduce volume. However, if you want to increase volume you still can but it's a choice.8)

    I never knew that! But now I think about it....

    You dont get my point at all !!! I am not talking about the music or musicality. But about the tone we get from the Kemper . The basic tone we get before we start to play music... Many think its like a keyboard linked to a sample banks .... and that a rig sounded the same from all guitar. I just insist in saying that the tone we get is 50% guitar and 50% Kemper... it's not 100% based on the rig we buy or exchange. It depends 50% of the quality of your guitar ... If I take a rig and switched guitar I dont get the same sound at all ... with the same rig. Get it?

    Kinda...I think what otehr people are saying is that playing style has as much to do with the sound as well.

    The Kemper is an amp....Play a dual rectifier and swap guitars and yes of course it changes, but....I think the different is even greater between players. The amount of people whove had a go on my guitar and amp and I've thought 2 blimey, why don't I sound like that!". I see big differences between my Gretsch and Les Paul, but not much/zero between my Charvel ( £800) and Fender Showmaster ( £120).

    Cheaper guitars are better now than they have ever can be difficult to tell the difference between a Gibson and Epiphone ( depending upon model). The delta isn't as big as you might think for the same type of guitar..

    Just gotta say....this is so exciting. Kemper team - even if you are not able to incorporate any/many of the suggestions, its great that we are being asked at this stage. I don't remember this happening before but.....YEY!

    Maybe the Morph-function could help. At least with two profiles.

    You could make a Profile at the starting Gain-setting of the amp and a second at the higher Gain-setting. Afterwards you could copy These Settings (Gain, Amp-Parameters, EQs, Volumes) into the first Profile as the morphing-end-Setting.

    Not quite what I mean. I don;t want to access more profiles but suggested making the profiles more accurate.

    As you adjust gain, eq etc on a profile, it will be an approximation of what the real amp would do. I suggesting that the profiling process could include more than one setting...this is why there are multiple profiles of the same amp at different settings.

    I'm thinking - profile one chanel of an amp at full gain, mid gain and low/no gain. Then the KPA has the reference points to work out how it sounds inbetween...meaning when you then adjust the gain its likely to be much closer than if it was profiled at full gain and you turn the gain down on the KPA.

    Just a thought...

    Asking for anymore seems greedy...but...

    Profiling...its a snapshot of the amp at a particular setting. Is there anyway that 3 profiles (or more) taken at extreme settings could be combined so that the eq and gain changes could be more aligned to the real amp (I know this has been asked before..)? Not sure the processing power is there but just another thought.

    This is more of a general request so happy to move this to feature requests as I suspect its a fairly big change so perhaps outside the scope of 6.0...

    It would be very useful for those who use a performance or rig per song. Persoanlly I don;t use it this way ( I only use it live as well).

    Only mention it not to diss your request but to flag that I think the way you use is limited to a certain number of users not all live users.

    BTW total Kudos if you do follow wonderful tonight with Enter Sandman :)

    V8guitar you can currently assign remote stomps buttons from the KPA without taking the remote out. Under the rig menu (can't remember which page) you can press 'assign' and the FX you want to. That is something I have learned here on the forum as well

    aside of that, great ideas, this would be great to be managed directly from the editor

    I didn't know that, I'll check it out. Would still be good to do it via the editor as well though...but thanks for letting me know :)

    In the absence of someone clever I would suggest making a demo rig with a test preset. Stick it in a performance then delete the test preset in browser mode. If it works as we all expect then you are good to go on a Kemper clear out. If it doesn't then you learned something valuable which you can tell us all about because we are too scared to delete presets ourselves 8o

    Its easier to ask someone clever ;) I keep meaning to try it but I'm not organised enough to truely test it..

    Im not a pedal guy but I know people swear by their TS etc. Its a well made point by Don that even for the same pedal there is no common reference point...bit like a vintage strat - its the inconsistency that's part of the charm.

    So isn't the only real answer is to somehow be able to profile your fav pedal ?

    Seems a bit overkill when you can profile you fav Amp and pedal but I get why people might want just the pedal itself..

    Yes right. But I wont pay for an amp I dont use. So my best move was to pay for The Kemper first , unpower, then buy what I need for amp (and still be able to sell it later and upgrade. That was my plan

    Of course that's a viable option. for me I knew I needed a power amp straight away. I cannot emphasize the convenience of having it in one box.

    For me there are only 3 reasons not to go powered:

    Cost - but that's offset against separate power amp or powered speaker

    Stereo - no point if not going FOH stereo

    You want to add "valve" power amp - for me not an issue as that is what the KPA does, emulate a valve amp. Some people think its missing something, but for me it turns the KPA into an effects rack rather than a complete solution

    So far, I've only been using performances to invoke profiles and haven't used the stomps. I can use Rig Manager to set the profile for a performance slot but didn't realize you had to use the physical remote hardware to configure the stomps, so I'd like to second this suggestion.

    My understanding was that a performance stores a copy of everything it uses. Is that not the case with all aspects?

    You need the remote to assign the effects to particular switches on the remote. So for example, if I have a clean profile in slot 1 but I also want to be able to switch chorus on and off like a stomp. I can allocate Chorus to the slot but not to a button on the remote, I need the remote to do that. Its dead easy, just hold the relevant foot switch down at the same time as the button on the KPA but you need the remote to do it.

    I think you are right on the second part but I was hoping someone would say its not needed...which means I could just delete rigs and custom renamed stomps....someone clever will tell me ( cue Nicky/ingolf/paults/sambrox/sharry etc ;) )

    Not a request but an endorsement that showing the morphing settings on the editor is a big bonus to me.

    If its possible, I'd liek the ability to set up the remote as well using the editor? I imagine a graphic of the remote and I can set the stomps up against the relevant switch? at present, to set up my live rig I have to unpack my remote etc.

    I imagine its not too difficult because the KPA I assume stores this information anyway? Its not vital but it would be so cool and another advantage of having the remote.

    The only other thing that would be really useful in my mind is if we could see what presets are currently linked to a performance or rig.

    In other words, I'm not sure across my performances which presets have been allocated and which are not used. I'm unsure if I delete one that is allocated to a rig that I lose it?? If not, then its no problem but if it is then it would be very useful. I think some of this was what might have been meant by preset management.

    It would help in the housekeeping of my KPA as I'd know what I can safely delete.

    ...and I've not said thank you yet for listening, but thank you Kemper team!

    Normally I prefer rack mount gear, but when I changed cars that went out the window. The back space in a C5 was big enough for a four space rack and one 12 cab plus guitars. The C7 is much, much smaller, which was the beginning of the journey that lead to the Kemper because I couldn't fit rack + speaker.

    I only mentioned the flight case because the one he had was not much bigger than the toaster. I'll try to get more details.

    Worst comes to the worst, ditch the KPA and just rev the C5....v8 burble sounds better than any guitar amp :)

    Expensive but the best ( in my mind)....Bare knuckle. They do a wide range of voicings to suit style and guitar and if you contact them they will give you direct advice depending upon guitar or style.

    Otherwise, Seymour JB is always a good heavy rock pickup...

    Or go mad and get EMG's a la Zakk Wylde...they are very tight and aggressive. Some people love actives and some don;t, but listen to any Zakk period Ozzy to hear what they sound like..

    I'm sort of excited about the cab, and not....

    I'm still a simple plug in and play type of Guy ( play on my name there...) . Whilst the tweak-ability is great, it gives me more to get wrong ;0

    I'm more interested in the fact its designed for the Kemper so less debate on which speaker should I buy, as a result it will be more accurate, plus its green!!

    Oh I got you now. You might be completely right about that. The interaction between several speakers might throw off the otherwise correct simulation of just one of them acting alone.

    You know why we are speculating... because we would be eager to try this NOW but we just can't. Not yet.


    BUT, nothing to stop you putting 1 speaker into a 4x12....I love the look of a 4 x12 and I'd like the FRFR type nature somehow, I image the speakers won't be cheap!