Cornford RK100 Profiles

  • I've posted two profiles of my Cornford RK100 on the Kemper Rig Exchange. Check them out! If you have any ideas to improve the quality of the profiles, please feel free to submit them.

  • I´ve found only one profile on RE.. I like it very much, thanks!!.. it would be great if you upload other profiles with other settings also.. I watched some you tube videos and this amp seems to be excellent piece of gear.. :thumbup:

  • nice one , thanks ! where you gonna get it fixed if theres an issue ? I have an MK50 Mk2 and a 2x12 cab myself .....super amps !!!!!

    Any qualified tech can repair a Cornford amp.

    Edited 4 times, last by MacFangus ().

  • Thanks a lot for these really cool profiles sounding great! Unfortunately there's a little humm in both profiles here but I could work the noise down with a combination of gate and NR.
    Love the first profile, especially with Fender N3 PUs.
    Fine work! :thumbup:

  • Thanks a lot for these really cool profiles sounding great! Unfortunately there's a little humm in both profiles here but I could work the noise down with a combination of gate and NR.
    Love the first profile, especially with Fender N3 PUs.
    Fine work! :thumbup:

    hum isn't an issue of profiles, it's the pickups picking up (haha) external noise, the profile is only amplifying the problem.
    causes are insufficient shielding of the guitars's electronics and/or 'noisemakers' like fluorescent lights, or even lamps with a dimmer on the same power strip.

  • hum isn't an issue of profiles, it's the pickups picking up (haha) external noise, the profile is only amplifying the problem.
    causes are insufficient shielding of the guitars's electronics and/or 'noisemakers' like fluorescent lights, or even lamps with a dimmer on the same power strip.

    If there's a hum I don't care what might be the reason in the past for the humming of today - I want the hum to be quiet cause I'm mostly in studio production and I'm not a fan of these "vintage original authentical hum grumble gnarf"-nerve. If some "vintage original authentical hum grumble gnarf" is ultimatetively needed for production I artificially put it in during mixdown. Anyway - these Cornford-profiles are worth any work to reduce the hum, really great profiles!

  • I was capturing a profile using a room mic not too long ago... my dog went on a barking binge and guess what... there was "arf, arf, arf, arf" in what should have been the silent part of the profile!

  • Kemper finally fixed my original account! Yoo-Hoo! :)

    The 2 x "Cornford RK100" profiles were captured when the amp was in a modified state using Dale mil-spec hi-fi resistors, .022uf / 1uf / 500pf capacitors in the signal path. I wanted to post profiles, but I didn't want to give away the RK100 tone either... I also used a variac and an attenuator to 'color' the tones a bit. I have since put the RK100 circuit back to stock. The profiles do sound great, and are as close as you're going to get to a real RK100.

  • Quote

    nice one , thanks ! where you gonna get it fixed if theres an issue ? I have an MK50 Mk2 and a 2x12 cab myself .....super amps !!!!!

    There is absolutely no problem with fixing Cornfords. You can even ask original builder of them to do that, if he has time. I must profile miner one day, although TAF Carrera is quite good representation, but these amps have pretty much infinite amount of sweet spots ☺

  • Thanks a lot for the RK Profiles. Never heard of this amp before, but the profile sounds so great,
    it has got bank no. 1 on my midi controller ;)

